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Given the chance to take one of the guys from The Night Angel Trilogy on a date, I'd choose:

Total Votes: 616

  • Mary - 13 years ago

    I'm guessing Kylar's not up there because then we'd all choose him...

  • Whitney - 13 years ago

    Mikayla: OMG, YES! The black ka'kari should totally be in there. I'd pick it purely based off it's sense of humour. ;) But since it's not, I gotta go with Durzo. :)

  • Rayne - 13 years ago

    Logan's not just rich and handsome, he's a gentleman!
    Durzo's probably better in the sack, though.
    .... Decisions.

  • Mikayla - 13 years ago

    No Kylar? No Black Ka'kari? No Lantano Garuwashi?
    Oh, well. Durzo's good enough. :P

  • Carolann - 13 years ago

    Where's Dorian?!

  • Rin - 13 years ago

    I wish Garoth Ursuul and the Wolf were up here... They seem like they'd be great fine dining dinner buddies.

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