How should Canadians pay for Bill C-30?


  • Meagan Greentree - 13 years ago

    CBC = FOX.

  • Doris Kannon - 13 years ago

    I agree with A. Tremblay - either take a cut in pay or their Golden Pensions. I agree this is a ridiculous bill and I hope Mr. Toews reconsiders other methods. He should ask the consultants who set this idea up for other alternatives!

  • T Drouillard - 13 years ago

    The ones that should have to pay for this if it goes through in any way shape or form should be the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada and any of their card carrying members and supporters.
    This is an affront to any and all law abiding Canadians and a direct attack on the rights of individuals to enact and enforce a law that will target anyone who disagrees with the ideology of this government that holds the majority in the house. The potential for abuse in monitoring anyone's email, or internet activity will be tenfold. If the government was being honest in its' claim that it wants to track down those that go after children to exploit them, they already have the means to go after those websites. This bill should be scrapped and Toews should be kicked out of his ministerial portfolio immediately.

  • False Dichotomy - 13 years ago

    Shame on CBC for setting a question they know full well is a false dichotomy. The bill should be scrapped and the self serving police union bosses and police chiefs who are pushing for this thing should be brought under greater public scrutiny by the media for this blatant power grab. Nobody elected these guys and they need to be reminded that their job is servant to the public not master.

    This self serving scum has the gall to go to the media and offer misleading legal advice to the public as cover for their own blatant self interested power grab. By their reasoning we should all have live surveillance cameras installed in our homes in case they need the information downtown.

    The perpetrators names are as follows:

    (2) Tom Stamatakis, President Vancouver Police Union and Canadian Police Association

    At least we know their names now.

  • lol - 13 years ago

    This poll is missing two important options: the bill should be scrapped all together, or Vic Toews and Steven Harper can pay for it out of their own pockets. Want a look at my private life? Get a warrant!

  • kris - 13 years ago

    This bill belongs in the trash along with the politician who support it.

  • S H - 13 years ago

    No one should have to pay for this piece of crap legislature.

  • T H - 13 years ago

    This bill should be scrapped. Completely!

  • T H - 13 years ago

    This bill should be scrapped. Completely!

  • kim h - 13 years ago

    The bill should be scrapped and that should be part of the poll question.

  • S K - 13 years ago

    They should not. This bill must be scrapped.

  • A Tremblay - 13 years ago

    How about politician taking a cut on their pay for this ridiculous bill as it is their idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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