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Should the punishment for voter suppression be more severe?

Total Votes: 4,561

  • Tamara - 13 years ago

    I belive we should have another election!

  • Nick Guiton - 13 years ago

    Are harsher punishments appropriate? Absolutely! In this instance, I think mandatory minimum sentencing is only fitting.

  • David Nash - 13 years ago

    Mr McKnight, I agree with your reaction to the tactics, but I think you need to look no closer than the USA to find ample evidence that this kind of electoral chicanery is used, though maybe not in the exact form being discussed in Canada. It is quite probable that the methods used here were devised in the US, too, although I would be open to the idea that some "bright " Canadian thought them up.

    In the US, they do not think of themselves as "Third World!"

  • William McKnight - 13 years ago

    My comment is: I have only heard of these kind of tactics in third world countries. With the introduction of the bill to allow the state to listen in and record our phones, read our e=mails and now this. Mr. Harper are you trying to get Canadians so insensed, to put us in no other frame of mind but to act with total civil unrest. I for one am at this point. Mr. dis-unorable
    Prime Minister Harper before you start the snowball rolling downhill that cannot be stopped,
    stop and think. resign or suffer the wrath of Canadians. There are a lot of us thinking the same way.

  • Candice ferguson - 13 years ago

    I'm not overly surprised that, once again the Conservatives think they don't have to play by the rules. They already found a scape coat for this fiasco. Now they can concentrate on their future shady deeds. I'm beyond disgusted with these cheaters, at least now I know HOW the Conservatives got a majority...

  • Andy Mulcahy - 13 years ago

    It is not just this robocall thing that makes me fear for democracy, it is the success of attack advertising, where money backs the vindictive mind and the realization that the sordid tactics used by ideological republicans has successfully found a home in the Harper government. I am so concerned about our voting rights that i am actually wondering if Harper would concede control if he lost an election.. we need to be alert.

  • Mister C - 13 years ago

    This is illegal, blatantly illegal, and this is not the first time that this Conservative Party under the leadership of Stephen Harper has been involved in this - third world activity. Thise are the kinds of actions that we send monitors to emerging Democracies to prevent. It is time that the full force of the law is brought upon them. Failure to do so would criminal!

  • Frances Pickford - 13 years ago

    Here is another piece you may check into - My sister Mary Trudeau - she lives just outside of Belleville Ontario - She was told that she did not have to vote in the election - you may contact her at 613- 966-5101
    I called her on election eve asked her about the election and who did she vote for thats when she told me .
    Now that this has surfaced re mischief linked to the election it is time to investigate this alegation

    I will await a reply

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