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Who worked the sexy slit trend best?


  • mychon - 10 years ago

    Jen's got this hands down! Jolie looks like a dead ghost. And the biatch is a man steeler. Lower than low.

  • TC - 12 years ago

    Jennifer's legs look much sexier. No offense but Angelina's legs look like they have some mileage on them. With the age difference between the two, Jen's should like like Angelina and Angelina's should like Jen's. In my opinion it shows which female takes better care of herself.

  • TC - 12 years ago

    Jennifer's legs look much sexier. No offense but Angelina's legs look like they have some mileage on them. With the age difference between the two, Jen's should like like Angelina and Angelina's should like Jen's. In my opinion it shows which female takes better care of herself.

  • maddy - 12 years ago

    Jen looks absolutely stunning, I think the tan legs do it. Angie does look good but comparing the two, Jennifer is clearly the better looking (Actually, she always is).

  • Tam tam - 12 years ago

    one thing people miss out about this two men is that they both are so unique in there own way,Jen has this Innocent sweet look,she hasn't lost her youth for she hasn't given birth yet.she looks more simple and sweet,she isn't used to rough life,shes a gal gal,her body doesnt need too much exercise she eats well and doesnt try hard,shes who she is.she has a man who is hot than Brad.

    Angeli is kind at heart adapts from all over the world,she has a bold look with manly hands that help her take up any movie character,she moves with force,she knows her body so she works so hard to tone it up she has produced making her face look too old,shes on lousy diet that makes her face too tight,she needs to eat,she is got Brad Pit still her fun,but i hope and pray that Brad treats her better and that the f*** press leave both this lady's alone,they re different and unique in there own way.

  • farhad - 12 years ago

    i think that angelina is the most beautifull actress in the world killing her lips is in my dream

  • dolly mckimmy - 12 years ago

    Jen did it better than Angie and no way does Angie compare to Jen.Although I like Angie alot but the truth is in the pic Jen wears it better than Angie by far!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • capper - 12 years ago

    Why do they make always make these polls with these two? Jolie's is another stratosphere in terms sexiness and beauty. Comparing Jolie to Aniston is like comparing an NFL team to a junior varsity football team.

  • Steph - 12 years ago

    Sorry Angie. Try hard as you may by sticking out you bony leg, but you will never pull it off like Jennifer Aniston. Jennifer is a beautiful person inside and out and so down to earth.

  • vert - 12 years ago

    im sure there must smthing wrong with the pole!
    jen is wayyy hotterrr than angie!!!! 10000x

  • Judith - 12 years ago

    OMG! That is so Jen's Dress! w/ a different/heavier material. As fashion Police would say "B*itch stole my Look" among other things.

  • Sharon - 12 years ago

    Angie needs to look at the movie "Lara Croft" Thats when she was Beatiful.. Gain some weight and exercise a little more.. Take some Vitamins... Lara Croft is the women Brad fell for, like all the other men.. She was sexy then now she's just pitiful.. and she looks unhealthy... Go For It Angie. Do it for Yourslf... Jen has to work for it too, we all do girl.

  • lisa Turner - 12 years ago

    OMG. No question that Jennifer Aniston looked so much better. No competition. It was so embarrassing to watch Angelina make such a calculated pose and that big old shiny forehead and then try to say her words really sexy. The reason she is so insecure is that she would be so humiliated if Brad went back to Jennifer and I think he wished he was still with her. Angie and Brad don't live in this happy household that they like to portray.

  • Betty - 12 years ago

    Jennifer looks very healthy, natural, sun kissed, very toned. Sorry Angelina, you need to eat, gain some weight, and work out to tone up and build some muscle on your skeletal frame!!! Jennifer by far!!! Jennifer is a classy lady.

  • alma g - 12 years ago

    Jennifer is by far wore that style best...I think Angelina wore that dress cuz it was huge and added some weight to her stick look figure. Jennifer has always been graceful & people "like" Angelina sadly because she has that reputation of SEXY...AGAIN reputation..BUT AGAIN no comparison between these two-JENNIFER takes the cake!!

  • Leila - 12 years ago

    Lmbo! I don't know who is voting but the poll is rigged. I don't care what the poll results says, Jennifer wore it better.

    Jennifer Aniston definitely wins by far. Angelina Jolie is a psycho. That lady truly needs help. Tragic. She looks sickly, pale and extremely anorexia. Ewww. She needs to gain about 20 pounds.

  • Kate - 12 years ago

    Angelina looks too pasty and white. Jennifer looks sun kissed and healty. Ange, you migh ooze sex appeal but you don't look that healthy.

  • Dawn Vella - 12 years ago

    Somebody give her some food she looks so awful, her leg is so skinny and her knee cap is already sagging and she's only 36. Brad pitt must be blind . Well he deserves her. I hate to Bitch but she look's like a blow up doll that you find in these sex shops in Amsterdam. She was such a stunning looking woman, I guess that's what happens when you are desperate to keep your Man!!!

  • rita - 12 years ago

    I am not a huge celeb. fan but I have to say Jennifer looks a lot better than Ang. I use to think otherwise back in the day, but Jen has maintained herself and her dress has some figure, class and style to it. I can't even tell if there are layers on Ang's dress or if there are bows. It blends in too much. Both have good leg but Ang looks like she needs to get a major tan.

  • Tiffani - 12 years ago

    JENNIFER JENNIFER JENNIFER ! How could anyone think angelina looks better???? Jennifer (who is my idol all the way back to the rachel days!) shows class, beauty, and sexy at the same time! She all around is the better pick in every category!! Brad is an IDIOT and dont know what he lost!!! She's better off now anyway!! love you J.A.!!

  • candy - 12 years ago

    Angelina needs a tan and a little muscle. Jennifer Aniston looks like she works out and eats healthy. It shows in her skin and toned body. Prettier dress, too - Angelina's has that weird velvet look, IMO, from the 80's.

  • Otsana - 12 years ago

    I like both actresses equaly and although I think Angelina was more attractive when she was younger she isnt ageing as well as jennifer is and I think this is due to her lack of weight, Jennifer just looks more healthy and I think even Angelina's true fans can see that.

  • keda - 12 years ago

    I am an Angie fan but lately she is just too skinny. Jennifer looks much better. Looks like Ang tried to throw ppl off...look at my leg and ignore my bony limbs. No definition and not toned. She looks like she's 90 lbs. Somebody feed her. She is wasting away.

  • Merran - 12 years ago

    Jennifer Aniston looks better by far. Angelina looks like she's practically dislocated her hip to put her leg out at that angle... I actually think she looks a bit stupid.

  • Janine - 12 years ago

    Jennifer's dress was soft and flirty, perfectly fitting with the slit leg style. Her legs are in great shape and she can afford to flaunt them as her best asset. Angelina's dress appeared heavy and the slit looked out of place. Angelina's legs are too skinny and are not her best asset, she should focus attention on her facial features.

  • Chad - 12 years ago

    Where was angelina in twilight?

  • suzanne - 12 years ago

    Jennifer clearly killed it!! She looked much nicer than Angelina. Angelina has lost way to much weight....where are your sexy curves mama?

  • Trish - 12 years ago

    Gee, the above comments sure sound to me they are not looking at Angelina's gown, legs nor body, they are Angelina haters. Please we have enough hate in this world, Angelina looked gorgeous. There is a picture from last night in a Newspaper today with Brad and Angelina holding hands, Angelina's beautifully shaped leg coming out of the slit very sexy and in the article they are called the "pretty couple". It fits them. P.S. Jennifer's shot is candid (BIG DIFFERNCE) and both her legs another (BIG DIFFERENCE) are in the picture.

  • Jen - 12 years ago

    Angelina Jolie tried to copy Jennifer Aniston's Leg-Baring Style but had to act TRASHY to really get the attention sorry Angelina YOU LOOK OLD... Jennifer Aniston legs are not only stunning but her entire body from head to toe !

  • Beb - 12 years ago

    Jennifer obviously has class, Angelina never has had any!!

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