Do you think the Oilers rebuild is on the right path?

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  • Evilas - 13 years ago

    I think Tambo is making the right moves lately. He took a low-risk flyer on Barker, although I think he overpaid. Low-risk, high-reward that hasn't been rewarded.

    Belanger has not produced as anticipated, but he contributes in many other ways, this is no fault of Tambo's as Belanger's track-record is very consistent. Hopefully this season is an anomoly and next season he performs as he has in the past.

    These are the only negatives that I see, everything else I feel have been positive moves. At first I was upset about losing Gilbert, but I think this will be a positive move going forward, as Shultz gets nothing but rave reviews from current and former team mates.

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