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Who has the best chance of defeating President Obama?

Total Votes: 334,138

  • lalaland - 12 years ago

    Since this info is from Fox News its less likely to be true!

  • dave notMyrealName - 12 years ago




  • Bill Miller - 12 years ago

    Who has the best chance? The only chance is Ron Paul, too bad "Fair and Balanced" never seems to cover Ron Paul, and when they do, it is to try to discredit his chances even though he is easily in 2nd place. He would be winning if we weren't voting on Goldman Sachs electronic fraud machines.

  • shotgunsusie - 12 years ago

    Newt shoved Agenda 21 through the House when he was speaker. It's the UN Agenda to take sovereignty away from us and make us one world government ready. It is being enforced in YOUR community NOW!

  • Seth Moore - 12 years ago

    A few days ago, Fox News had stacked the poll in favor of Romney. Paul was trailing in third place. Now that the American people have had a chance to see this and register the real American opinion, the numbers represent reality.

  • SherryC - 12 years ago

    Ron Paul is the only TRUE conservative candidate and the only one who upholds his oath to the Constitution NOT the Republican institution. I will vote for no other. Ron Paul 2012

  • Michael - 12 years ago

    I guess it must be the result of our public fool system that so few can analyze obvious numbers, and come to logical conclusions. I won't even get into our impossible national debt and who we really DON'T owe it to. Let's just focus on how to defeat Obama. There are roughly 72 million registered Democrats, and 55 million registered Republicans. It's clear the Republicans are going to need all the support they can get from outside the party. Only one GOP candidate can carry the GOP, Libertarian, Green Party, Constitution Party, the independent vote, and even 5-10% of the Democrat vote. Now we can argue, call each other names, and say derogatory things about the candidates, but in the end it comes down to rather or not we REALLY want to stop Obama. Ron Paul 2012!

  • Matthew West - 12 years ago

    I can't believe its even a debate that Romney has a chance at beating Obama. Or Santorum for that matter. Gingrich is a long shot (I only say so because right now he has no chance whatsoever but out of the 3 stooges he has the greatest room to gain support, thru his debating ((Romney want's to avoid all debates because he has to hide the fact he is pretty much a white Obama, and the more Santorum debates he sounds like a christian equivalent to a Jihadist))

    The only way Obama is not going to have a second term is if the GOP wakes up (which is hard because from the looks of the polls it seems most of the GOP is in a permanent nap and their average age of voter is deceased) and realized they need a candidate that will draw upset Democrats and bring independent voters. NOT ONLY that, they need to have good turnout! The people voting in the polls for who they think most likely to beat Obama have to think of this and not just vote for who the media is wanting you guys to think has the best shot (MOST MEDIA HAS A LIBERAL BIAS, HMM why do you think they want it wrapped up so quick? They know Obama would massacre Romney in a general election. )

    And the evidence is every single primary or caucus Romney wins turnout is down to some of the lowest least enthusiastic levels ever, while despite the media's bias against Paul and all the hard work by the established GOP making sure he doesn't get delegates, PAUL is 2nd in delegate count when you count unbound delegates! And just behind Romney! When this goes to convention Paul is going to have a shot! And this is your chance GOP to get a candidate that will beat Obama if you want. If not I know very damn well you will be losing millions of votes and handing the election over to Obama in July, my nominating Romney or Santorum. Gingrich MAYBE could do something to change things up, but if you want a legitimate chance at a Republican president in 2012, you guys are going to have to wake up and do the research and realize Ron Paul is the only one with the policies differing enough from Obama's/can draw enough enthusiasm in a general election.

  • Leslie Miller - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney couldn't even beat McCain.... nuf said...

  • Dray - 12 years ago

    @Observator just a quick question...when did the message of The Constitution become such a joke? Do you not enjoy liberty? Is The NDAA amusing to you? Mitt signed it. Do you like fear? Bc w/o Ron'll live in it..

  • Observator - 12 years ago

    This poll has been closed for a day and it is still getting Ron Paul spambot adverts.
    Here is a copy of THE LAST INFORMATIVE COMMENT that I could find between all the Paul-conspiracy spam the last several days:
    From: The Newtonian General McPherson - yesterday
    The time has come to declare Mitt Romney the presidential nominee. Mitt Romney has begun to clearly show he cares pragmatically.
    I wanted Newt Gingrich to be the nominee but that is now impossible. Gingrich can best help by helping Romney.
    Santorum is the same. As with Gingrich, he has more to gain by helping Romney. Much more.
    It is a win-win situation for every other candidate to support Romney directly or indirectly now and lose-lose if the opposite is chosen. Romney should be happy to let the other candidates join his presidential campaign, maybe even let them join as a running mate or cabinet member.
    It is time to bring the best of everyone together to support the Romney campaign.

  • Dray - 12 years ago

    This poll is bogus. Not surprising. Its for fox news. You are all just complete idiots vote mitt and it'll be like 4 more years of Obama. Oh he was played up by the news...big owned by Clear Channel....owned by Bain. Do some f'n research you new parrots...wake the funk up!! RON PAUL IS SO POPULAR BC HE BROUGHT BACK FREEDOM AND LIBERTY IN A LAND WHERE IT WAS DYING!!!

  • Ron Paul 2012 - 12 years ago

  • holly - 12 years ago


    Join the revolution and take back the constitution!

  • Love - 12 years ago

    Watch End of America - A movie you must see to believe (you tu be it)

    Ten key steps to close down an open society: a dictator's blueprint
    1. Invoke an internal and external threat
    2. Secret prisons where torture takes place
    3. Develop a paramilitary force
    4. Surveil ordinary citizens
    5. Infiltrate citizens' groups
    6. Detain and release ordinary citizens
    7. Target key individuals
    8. Restrict the press
    9. Recast criticism as espionage and dissent as treason
    10. Subvert the rule of law

    CISPA (new bill) will give private companies and the US government the right to spy on any of us at any time. There are many members of Congress (100+) that are backing this bill. Another way to intrude into our lives. Can you name how many Constitutional Rights have been wiped out by the last few presidents including the current one?

    Don't you people get it! Don't you understand what this mean? Have you no care to call yourself an American, THE LAND OF THE FREE, and yet, support a candidate that supports NDAA, the PATRIOT Act, the Military Industrial Complex revolving doors by supporting WARS, the hundred of thousands of people who are jails for committing NON-VIOLENT crimes just cuz they are drug related, the Monsanto/Pharma revolving doors and GMO's, the Fed Reserve? Now, the new PRIVATE JAILS??? who push (our congress) for more laws so our fed govt can jail more people FOR PROFIT???

    Simple! VOTE FOR THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES and our BILL OR RIGHTS and our PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS!!! Live FREE or forget to ever being able to have choices, liberties, freedom or the "American Dream". Indoctrination and manipulation will continue. You don't believe the media still, do you?

    Ron "the bulldog" Paul 2012

  • Lucas C. - 12 years ago

    Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate that is able to beat Obama. He's also the ONLY candidate that gives a damn about our rights...yet everyone keeps looking the other way.

    Ron Paul or NOT AT ALL

  • Fred Mars - 12 years ago

    Q: How can a 4th rate candidate beat the incumbent?

    A: He can't!

    The only candidate that WILL defeat Obama is Ron Paul. Don't believe it? See it here for yourself:

  • Tammie Duggan - 12 years ago


  • Orlando - 12 years ago

    Ron Paul is the only one who can beat Obama. He will expose Obama's true agenda.

  • Randus - 12 years ago

    Pfft, you can vote in this poll as many times as you want hahaha XD no wonder.

  • lips - 12 years ago


    obama and romney are financed by the SAME DAMN PEOPLE!!!

    HELLO!?!!? WAKE UP!!!

    romney is NOT in this to win. his job is to LOSE.

    he is a "dummy" candidate!!! propped up by goldman sachs to lose the election and hand obama a 2nd term.

    nothing more!!!

    these people own wall st., own the media and own the friggin' voting machines!!!

    they are buying romney the election!!! look at the video of his paid supporters telling the guy filming them they were paid off. there has been election fraud in every single state and puerto rico. it's well documented. many videos and algorithmic vote flipping evidence. it's no secret that the guy struggles to have 200 people at his rally when ron paul just drew 10,000 at ucla.

    obama, romney, gingrich, santorum are ALL THE SAME!!!




    you have 1 choice this year people. 1. DON'T F IT UP.


    RON PAUL 2012!!!

  • hwt123 - 12 years ago

    Yesterday Ron Paul drew over 10,000 to his rally...Mitt draws 100-200 and his rallies look like a funeral...If you voted for anyone but Ron Paul, you are a brainwashed fool who gathers their information from the TV and newspapers....Turn off you TVs you idiots because we live in a police state ...Ron Paul or a police state created by crooked puppets.

  • S.D. - 12 years ago

    To The Newtonian General McPherson: Don’t selloff!
    Other than a divine intervention, nobody and nothing can help Romney!

  • Wade - 12 years ago

    If The Fools Nominate RINO Romney America is doomed to another four years of Obama!

    RINO Romney has no shot at beating the OBAMA MACHINE all I have to say is

    ROMNEYCARE that alone will do him in let alone all the other Flip Flops he has done


    thats why the Left keeps saying he is the one........ and the GOP establishment wants ANOTHER Moderate like John McCain....... Moderates have Proven they Can Not Win, those who do not learn from the past are Doomed to repeat it!

  • lacey o'rourke - 12 years ago

    Santorum, Gingrich and Paul delegates. Mitt Romney has lied and cheated all of you. We must unite and form alliances at delegate conventions and keep him from getting his 1144. Have an open convention and it can be anyone's chance. Don't let the media tell you who to support. This election has been rigged and stolen from all of us. Romney can not beat Obama. The media and the old guard GOP are the only ones that truly want him to win---and Obama, because Obama has "prepared" for Mitt. He's too lazy to do his homework on the other 3.

  • The Newtonian General McPherson - 12 years ago

    The time has come to declare Mitt Romney the presidential nominee. Mitt Romney has begun to clearly show he cares pragmatically.
    I wanted Newt Gingrich to be the nominee but that is now impossible. Gingrich can best help by helping Romney.
    Santorum is the same. As with Gingrich, he has more to gain by helping Romney. Much more.
    It is a win-win situation for every other candidate to support Romney directly or indirectly now and lose-lose if the opposite is chosen. Romney should be happy to let the other candidates join his presidential campaign, maybe even let them join as a running mate or cabinet member.
    It is time to bring the best of everyone together to support the Romney campaign.

  • Funkdefino - 12 years ago


    Ron Paul was well of 96,000 just 2 hours ago with Newt coming in dead last now "magically" number are all flipped around? Come on... REALLY?

    I mean seriously... I could understand it if Newts people just found out about the poll and started voting, but to pull Ron's votes from him is outrageous.

    Lame Poll!

  • sandy - 12 years ago

    What were the GOP big wigs thinking? If one does the math, it is painfully clear that Romney cannot possibly win in the fall.

    In the primaries, Romney won the states that never vote Republican, and where he has ZERO chance of winning in the fall:
    Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, Maryland, District of Columbia
    Illinois and Hawaii (Obamaland)
    Michigan, Wisconsin, Wyoming
    Washington, Nevada, Idaho, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and Guam
    and only four that matter:
    Florida, Arizona, Ohio (barely: by 0.8% ), and Virginia (virtually unopposed)

    Romney BADLY lost the states that are the GOP firewall:
    South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Kansas, Alabama
    Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Missouri
    Iowa, Minnesota, Colorado, North Dakota, Virgin Islands

    He will easily win the irrelevant upcoming primaries in:
    California, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware
    but a fair contest (not apathetic late primaries) would deny him a victory in:
    Texas, Kentucky, Arkansas, North Carolina, Indiana

    If the extremely low turnout in the primaries translates to the general elections, one should prepare for a doomsday scenario.
    Thank you GOP establishment and FOX News!

  • Robert - 12 years ago

    Looks the Paul people cry when they don't overwhelm the vote...awww..poor babies. Did you ever think the other votes could be coming from other voters who also know how to use a keyboard at the same time?

  • Dawn Marie Clark - 12 years ago

    Do NOT bother with the poll.


  • pat - 12 years ago

    Before I voted, Ron Paul was at 23,055 and Gringrich at 71,069. I voted for Ron Paul, and BOTH of them shot up one point! (to 23,056 and 71,070)

    So is this how the Diebold machines work, too, in the actual election?

  • Ross - 12 years ago

    I voted for Ron Paul and it went to Gingrich!

    Ron Paul or nothing 2012!

  • Cherokee78 - 12 years ago

    Newt can make Mr.Obama eat his own words. That's a whole lot of eating by the way. Mr.Obama would lose office full and unsatisfied. It doesn't take great intellect to change America in good or bad manners. It just takes character to get things done.

  • DonJ14 - 12 years ago

    Funny how so many people said Ron Paul supporters "spammed" these polls.

    Well, did anyone notice the following?:

    When this poll was a closed poll, meaning it was one vote per IP address, Ron Paul was in first place.

    After they opened the poll to as many votes as possible per IP address, Romney and Gingrich (who is very unpopular) shot way up and were neck and neck (and still are).

    So, my question is, who is spamming what? Obviously, NOT the Ron Paul supporters, but the Romney and Gingrich supporters.

  • Cpl America - 13 years ago

    Newt your the coolest, Hang in there we are rooting for you, as this poll shows.
    Your the only person who we can trust.
    Save us Newt!!!
    Ronald Reagan would be proud!!!

    Take the conventions just like Reagan. See I listen, I hear your message.
    Thank you for putting your hat in, God willing we will see it to the white house.

  • Susan D. Garman - 13 years ago

    How many times does it have to be put out about the truth of Newt's divorce, and affairs.? Are you Newt bashers blind deaf and dumb? His first wife has stepped forward and denied the lies that have been spread. His daughters have done the same thing. His wife is not dead!She only had a benign tumor. And She is the one to file for divorce not him! She's alive and kicking as I write.
    In regards to the dual adulterer. If you know anything about God. Then maybe you forgot that God says when his children repent of their sins, he casts them as far as the East is from the West, and REMEMBERS THEM NO MORE! If God does this, then when we refuse to forgive, and we constantly throw the persons sins out among others, then we are bearing false witness. God has very strong negative feelings and reactions to folks who bear false witness. Just read that in I believe the book of First Corinthians. I'm not for sure that's the book. But it is in the Bible in the New Testament, plain as day, in black and white.

  • The Newtonian General McPherson - 13 years ago

    I hope Newt Gingrich, as he has stated, continues to make Mitt Romney /earn/ the nomination. I want to vote for Mitt Romney in November because he earned my trust.
    Granted Mitt Romney wins the nomination, he should /not/ move moderates away from him by making Paul Ryan the vice president. While we all agree Paul Ryan would make an excellent treasury secretary, Newt Gingrich as Romney's running mate is unstoppable.

  • ERichardson - 13 years ago

    2012 Election is not a popularity Contest, as was 2008. Informed Citizens & Facts! Fact I. Questions asked about Eligiblity Requirement 2007, Ophra Winfrey show/tapeing April 27th 2011, Harpo studio's Chicago. Fact; Birth Cert released to put silliness to rest. Fact; Livebirth Registration, Hawaii not long form certificate, Fathers birth June 18,1936 British Colony of Kenya, British Subject >Not USA Naturalborn born citizen> British Nationality Act of 1948 States; Fathers citizenship Followers Children No Matter Boundrys or Boarders. Note Legal age for mother to pass on USA citizenship by birth is 19 yrs of age & lived in USA for 9 consecutive yrs, Hawaii became a state 1954 she did not qualify. Az Sherrif Joe Arpaio Cold Case Investigation a must read Slective Service card full view Exibit D. PO Makaki Station Honolulu Hawaii July 31, 80 Legal PO Stamp used Makaki Station 1980 4 digit stamp always used, exibits show how 08 stamp was attained Pica stamp month-date-year also 1980 PO Employee's interviewed & attested standard procedure was always 4 digit state stamp & stamp used in 1980 was given so how 2 digit stamp was inverted Exibit E. 2 Plugs removed making 2 digit 08! Knife used in inestigation, close up of all plugs-month-day-year. Poorly forged Selective Service Card Registration! Social Security Card Conn dead man issued the number in Conn, Dead mans Soc Sec number, Fraudulent use attained in Honolulu, Hawaii provided to Baskin Robins for Barry Soetoros employment. Sherrif Joe investigation re;Illegal documents & who is responsible for producing forged doc's. Original draft card MIA! Sherrif Joe gets Immigration Records from Immigration & Naturalization Services-Travel records for foreign flights into Hawaii in 1961 only to discover that records for the week of Barrys birth were MISSING! National Archives & Recordss Admin with microfilm data base passenger records for foreign flights arriving in Honolulu & NY City Idlewild AP Micro film records July 61 to Sept 61 24 reels of records--28 micro film records A3998 of Aug 1961 were copied by NARA & made available for examination at Nat Archives Wash DC & Guess What? OB'S Birth Wk Missing? Records blurred? Overlaped? each Obscuring the data! Specificall Records Crop A 3573 Date Aug 7 1961 Missing, as if records were removed from data base prior to the micrfilm recording. Foreign flights reel 184 INS Passenger records foreign flights Honolulu from July 28,61 thru Aug 7,1961. Brenda Beasley Kepley Chief of NARA archives processing Section Rolls 184 & 185 Blacked Out Aug 2 through Aug 7? None for any other dates or previous record dates. Conclusion micro film went missing from National WDC Data Base & remains unexplained. Seclective Service Dir Lawrence Romo appointed 2009 by Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama & answers directly to him! Question? Determine How & When OBS Selective Service Registration was 1. Submitted 2. Entered into data Base Agency Records. Proceedures used establish probable cause when Selective Service Registration Card has been forged. Sherrif Joe asks Romo what steps will be taken directing Slective Service System to Investigate these alligations. (Identify Responsible person or persons) Romo has yet to respond. FOIA Registration Forms obtained, from Gov, all forms have 4 digit year PO Stamp, except Obama's! Barry Soetoro studies Mengaji (recitation of Quran in Arabic) read-write & speak in Arabic-Assisi Primary , entered Besuka Primary as Muslim, Jakarta, Indonesia Schools 5 to age 10. WND alerts @ alerts worldnetdaily .com

  • S.D. - 13 years ago

    They keep doing the same thing over, and over, and over… hoping for a different result.
    With Romney, they’re pushing the strategy that did not work with Dole or McCain even further, beyond the breaking point. We no longer have party; they no longer have a constituency!

  • Evelyn - 13 years ago

    First we get Obamacare shoved down our throats and now the republican big wigs are shoving Romney down our throats. I guess the little guy is a cooked goose.

  • Glider - 13 years ago

    Newt's done...stick a fork in it already......Mitt's the best shot at this point....get over it....Newt had WAY too much baggage, as much as I liked the guy.

  • Cpl America - 13 years ago

    Go Newt!!!
    Bring America back Together!!!
    Show us how a real leader does it!!!

    God bless America

  • Sandy - 13 years ago

    Don’t give up, folks! It is still in our power to stop the train wreck if in the following primaries we stay true to ourselves, stop following the pointers given by the media to engage in apathetic “strategic voting”, and vote our hart and convictions.

    Are we so depressed as to come up with that Press Secretary comment? Are we content with the consolation prize of saving face for a windbag just to spite the media, or do we want the real thing?

  • Ines DeLong - 13 years ago

    At this point my family and I , will vote for who ever. But, the one that can really, make people listen and fire up is Speaker Gingrich. Even, the kids pay attention when he speaks. I think that he will be an excellent "Press Secretary" . What do you think? That would be the best revenge on the liberal media. They, will be sweating scared , every day. And, working, for the first time. The country will be pay attention to the news then. Not only that, they will be learning what the leftists teacher did not teach.

  • Weston White - 13 years ago

    Mitt Romney is a robber-baron elitist, he is only (truly) interested in wealth and power just as Barry Soetoro (Barack H. Obama) is. Mitt Romney is funded by the very same banksters that funded and continue to fund “President” Barry Soetoro; neither of which represent the core principles of America, but rather their own private gains and benefits. Romney belongs to Goldman Sachs, we do not need yet another yet another Goldman Sack loyalist stationed within the Executive.

    Gingrich dissolved his marriage leaving his wife alone when she was sickly, that is far worse than getting freaky in the oval office with some random hussy. Gingrich is a “say whatever to get whatever” type of man, he is only to be relied upon as far has his fat-body can be thrown. Gingrich is himself, emphatically, a broken promise waiting to happen.

    Bill Clinton, alongside his wife, are scumbag jag-off conniving liars; they are both minions to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), that including Walmart.

    When one serves in public office they forfeit their rights in maintaining a personal life.

    Also a sinless man would have absolutely no necessity to lie, as would neither an honest one; and in either instance neither would such men engage in relations at their place of work or cheat on and then leave their wives, especially when they were at their most vulnerable!

  • The Newtonian General McPherson - 13 years ago

    The assumptions on Newt Gingrich's personal life can not be corroborated. Newt is honest about what has happened unlike our current president who lies about his personal life daily. If you can't see the contrast between the two, then I guess you won't see how Mitt Romney panders just as much as Obama.
    Bill Clinton was one of our best presidents, and his marital infidelity had absolutely zero effect on his ability to be a successful commander and chief.
    Understand one thing: Your personal life has nothing to do with your professional life, else wise Obama would never have been elected and Clinton would be considered a failure.
    I would rather have an honest man who admits his foibles than a sinless man who lies about it.

  • Sandy - 13 years ago

    Wake up, RomneyFan(s)! The presidency is lost if Romney is the nominee. The propaganda outlets keep repeating for the last couple of years that Romney’s the most electable. Nobody bothered to define what “electable” means, but evidence suggests that they refer to the fact Romney has been groomed all his life to fit that mass-produced political image they like, which is as original, attractive, and exciting as the hotel wallpaper. His entire candidacy has been built on “the image.” Even the Fox News spin masters could not produce high praises on his merits on the substance. The efforts to prop his candidacy are focused on covering up his heavy political baggage and casually overlooking his never-ending gaffes.
    In 1212, the economical and political environment was ripe for a conservative victory for the history books, far exceeding the ground swell of 2010. A landslide in November would have come with a mandate to shake up Washington. That was unacceptable for the “establishment” (which is neither republican nor democrat, but plays them both). The perpetual creation of national debt is the means by which they thrive; the system that allows the transfer of wealth into the hands of a few would have come under attack. For decades, the political system fed the voracious debt monster through Welfare (D) and Warfare (R). Therefore, the only option for them was to fund by an obscene amount the weakest candidate in the field and engage in ruthless character assassination of anybody of substance that might have had the guts to push for real reform. The only ones left in the field are Newt and Ron Paul. My money is on Newt. But it seems many of you think the criteria for electing presidents are the same as the reasons for picking a date. I’m not surprised you go for the “image”.
    If Romney beats all the odds, gets the nomination, and pulls an anemic win in the fall, all is good; he will keep feeding the monster, or as Newt puts it: “he will manage the decay”. With a heavy heart, I will bet good money that Romney cannot win. But the good old boys will do just fine. Despite the rhetoric, the last few years were exceptionally good for Wall Street and the likes. A second Obama term will be disastrous for the country but not for them.

  • BARBBF - 13 years ago

    Sorry..I know Newt is very bright...but I will never to my knowledge vote for a serial adultery.

  • RomneyFan - 13 years ago

    Hey Dudes/Dudettes,

    Gingrich never was presidential material, a Washington Insider adulterer, that left his wife on her death bed for another adulterer, come on, get real! You really want a Washington Player in the White House over the rest of the field.

    And Santorum, he claimed that he couldn't afford to pay his tithes and only paid 1.5%! Stating is was because of his daughter's special needs; no way! He had insurance and makes several million dollars a year. He's also a Washington insider that will say anything to win. Like Paul said, he is a fake!

    Paul, I'd vote for him, presidential and a good guy, but he cannot possible win now. He even trusts Romney more than the other guys. So, he knows, and I believe him.

    And then look at all the other politicians that are endorsing Romney! It's like 10 to 1, and those are our elected officials that we voted for. Can you at least trust them a little bit?

    Romney is an honest person, a good guy, presidential and not all those bad labels that his opponents have stated. Give the man the benefit of a doubt. If you started driving and never turned the steering wheel you would probably wrech the car. You change your mind about things as life goes on, so does he, so does everyone, that doesn't make one a flip-flopper. He's 65, has a lot of experience and will keep his word to his constituents. If you were 65 I think you'd have changed your mind about some things as well. We have to trust someone and I have never known to many dishonest Mormons; have you! At least he's someone that is trying to live his religion and does pay his tithes. Isn't that a way you should judge someone, if they keep their own religion?

    So, at least the chances are that we will have a good one in the White House for a change.

    This thing is all but over, so join Romney, the intelligent choice, and less make this a country to be proud of again. It was a good race, but it's over! Got that! The fat lady has sung, the kettle is boiling, let's take all this energy and resources and use it where it needs to be used now, fighting Obama's huge political machine!

    Because if we don't do it soon, Obama will win. There won't be enough time to defeat him like his opponents are saying. Folks, 2 months isn't enough time. People, 2 months isn't enough time. Goth that?



  • 1_spitfire - 13 years ago

    Would love to see Newt bit ch slap Odumbo. Odumbo is nothing but a joke.

  • Weston White - 13 years ago

    Please be sure to seriously consider your vote for Representative (R-TX), Ron Paul, MD, for 2012, he is -besides being an astute author- both highly experienced and attentive as to America’s true fundaments and is wholly against our present duopolistic form of government, itself at present concerned only with seeking control over other nations, while stupefying Americans through incestuous scaremongering, endless debt, intrusion into our privacy, and cession of our constitutional independence.

    And to all those that find the highly motivated Rep. Ron Paul “kooky”, I only ask you when was the last time you actually sat down and seriously read through, while applying logical thinking and foresight to your own Nation’s founding documents? There is a very good reason that the establishment media is blackballing Ron Paul and it has nothing, whatsoever, to do with him being “kooky”.

    Please, stop voting yourself, your family, and your friends into perpetual bondage; we must collectively unify in order to finally put an end this ongoing cycle of abuse, think about it…

    RON PAUL–2012 or YOU might as well just be voting for any of the myriad of principle-avoid elitist-eugenicist-corporatists hiding behind the false pretexts of PNAC, or the CFR, UN, IMF, OPEC, WTO, WHO, NAFTA, et al.

  • Jim Williams - 13 years ago

    The legacy of the first black president will be involuntary servitude to the insurance companies. should we elect him again so we can have debtors prison for unpaid student loans and mortgages and $8.00 a gallon gas?

  • jo88 - 13 years ago

    Hmmm I say that I would love to have Obama in office next year...I would hate to have a president in office that cares more about his materialistic things instead of the family pet. For instance...Mr Mitt Romney decided that he would rather have his suitcase and his family's things inside while the family dog was in a crate, no food, no water, and no room for countless hours. On top of that when finally stopped because the dog had gotten scared and had an accident, he preoceeded to HOSE the animal down.

    Not the kind of guy that I would like running this nation....

  • paula - 13 years ago

    Really Newt?

  • Mornin Joe - 13 years ago

    ANYBODY could beat Obama in the upcoming election. I mean anybody, where is Joe the Plumber? He could not possibly run on policy, the 'hopey changey' thing, positive results, reigning in spending (HA HA), fixing the economy, unemployment, inflation, foreign policy or any other thing that points the blame directly at Obama - his watch ... his FAILURE. This is why he must attack every viable opponent with complete disregard for truth and integrity ... two very key elements and qualities that dictate results, neither which Obama possesses.

    Limbaugh was right with me on hoping this buffoon FAILS in his first and only term, what nobody knew was the shrill selfish know-nothing Obama would break laws to go about his dirty work. Him and his double standards toting bucket behinded wife can both eat Crow.

    For the first time in my adult life I am embarrassed to be an American ... nobody on Earth could be stupid enough to elect that jerk to more than sweeping floors at the Amtrak station.

  • Kalona - 13 years ago

    We have a fractured assembly of Republicans. I find that instead of fighting the POTUS we have now, we're content to attack each other. YOU yourselves are splitting this party. I've read all your comments and it disturbs me that you all have lost focus on the REAL problem. You keep fighting between yourselves and in the meantime, Wylie the Coyote will pass ahead of you w/o you even noticing it. Regardless of who you're for.... UNITE in the end. Every vote will determine if we can remove Obama. Keep focus on him! Not who's climbing in the polls. It doesn't matter. This socialist MUST be stopped at all costs! Turn aside your pride and anger and do what's best for this country as a whole. Our very lives will depend on it. It's unfortunate that all you RP fans out there say that if he's not on the ticket, then you'll not vote at all. How shameful. You'll be handing over the election back to the POTUS. Quit acting like spoiled children and do the right thing. VOTE REPUBICAN! This insanity MUST STOP! If Obama is left in office another 4 years, you may never have the chance to vote again, for ALL will have been lost.

  • jaffa - 13 years ago

    We Dont Need Another Man With Banker Ties,We Need A Doctor To Heal The HEART And Minds Of Americans, Some One Who As Actually Been In A War To Call Comander And Chef Who Understands Our Troops And There Oath To The Constitution,Its Time We Took Our Roots Back For Liberty

  • lolets - 13 years ago

    romey is doing a great job. sure hope he gets it
    we NEED a honest man in office, newt has been there way to long and for what i have seen cant take the heat so wish he would get out
    wait and see how dirty obama gets even worse than he is now
    hate to say but i am ashamed to call him a president""""""
    god help this country even though they want to put a end to religon here

  • dboy - 13 years ago

    All of the candidates besides Dr. Paul are just different faces with different names. The only one that stands out and is actually trying to break the mold is R.P. in my opinion at least. Looks like I'm not the only one!

    Time for the sheeple of America to stop counting sheep and wake up and smell the bullsh*t.

  • Dave - 13 years ago

    Disinformation and propaganda are the tool's of the trade of politic's.Keep the masses confused and fighting amongst each other.So you don't see what the other hand is doing.

  • Brian - 13 years ago

    NO ONE BUT RON PAUL 2012 - Cuts spending by over $1 trillion in his first year - Balances the budget in 3. Brokered Convention, here we come!
    Decide for yourself

  • kathy - 13 years ago

    Mitt Romney is the only republican that can beat Obama, create jobs,repeal obama care, get the deficit down and put this country back on the right path to prosperity. He is a excellent family man and man of good character. Its time for all republicans to get behind Mitt and support him. So many republicans are endorsing him so what does that tell you?

  • The Founding Fathers - 13 years ago

    Liberty or Death ~ Dr. Ron Paul 2012

  • Nathen Hale - 13 years ago

    Romney = Gingrich = Obama = Santorum ~ You people just don't get it and I'm sorry to say I don't think you will get it until your being loading into the boxcars ~ Alas for my poor republic :(

  • Sunnyr - 13 years ago

    Mitt Romney is the only candidate who is totally qualified to be POTUS from Day One and the only one who has the good MORAL CHARACTER to Lead this nation. He has a stellar record of achievement and SUCCESS and knows how to pull this country out of Comrade Obozo's Quagmire and put our people back to work.

    Go Mitt! On to Victory!

    PS: Ann Romney will make a perfect First Lady. A CLASS ACT, all the way.

  • DJ - 13 years ago

    The last time we had a true Conservative movement in this Country, guess who was among the Republican leadership? Yep. Newt. And if it wasn't for RINO Bob Dole, he and the Republicans would have won the debate during the government shutdown against Clinton (Clinton was less than 24 hrs from caving in to Newt and the Republicans in Congress during the shutdown when Dole announced that he and the other RINOs in the Senate wanted to cut a deal -- and thus, Clinton turned a defeat into a big win) and things would have turned out MUCH, much different during the 90s. Newt has a solid track record as a Conservative. And he will run circles around 0BowMao during the campaign. The only thing that I constantly hear in people who don't like him is his past marital infidelities. Yet, many of the same people would pee themselves if they could vote for Bubba Clinton -- he of the multiple marital infidelities and Oval Office cigar fame. Newt has repented, and I believe him. Besides, I'm not voting for a Pastor or a Pope. I want to vote for the smartest guy in the room whom will fix the mess that 50+ years of Statism has created. Meanwhile, the Republican establishment picks the Massachusetts on-again/off-again Liberal who gave us the prototype for 0bamneycare, and will NEVER repeal it! Santorum is a good enough guy, but I just think he won't win against 0bama. They will portray him (unfairly) as a guy intent on bringing a Christian-Shariah state. The precious, wishy-washy, stand-for-nothing Independents will not vote for him. I think the day for a strong Christian President (like Ronald Reagan) will come as we beat back the creep of anti-Christian Statism, but this is not the year!

    I'm sticking with Newt until the bitter end, and will only vote for Romney if he is the last man standing against 0BowMao. But I will do so with the same disgust as when the same Republican establishment gave us RINO Dole and RINO McCain. And after voting Republican in every election, including special elections for dog catcher, for my entire electoral life, this may be the last year I do so (I may just sit it out!).

  • Paul - 13 years ago

    37 % for Newt, 37% are even more clueless than the average conservative... wich is pretty low to start with, 2012 is going to be a breeze!

  • John - 13 years ago

    If it's a budget you're worried about, Romney isn't the man who can balance it....Gingrich is...he's done it before and WILL do it again!

  • Andre Girnau - 13 years ago

    Romney has the least chance of winning versus Obama he really a progressive liberal and not a conservative at all remember in 2002 he sad he was a liberal he despised Raegan and voted against him both times. His support of mandates and government bail outs like Tarp which helped cause the current economy disqualifies him from ever being able to beat Obama. So why does anyone think he has any chance Obama only fears two things Christians thus his recent attack on the church of all denominations and a true conservative. He know Romney has no chance against him. Romney ven uses Obamas scorched earth destruction and lies about his opponent to try to win . Which only leftists do wake up before you give us another loser like McCain

  • Sandy - 13 years ago

    I will not write a new comment as I intended. The comment posted by Mark Taylor 5 days ago is spot on. I could not have said it better. Thank you Mark!

  • Mark - 13 years ago

    Anyone of these guys would be much better than whats in there now. obama gets four more years, were in big time trouble folks. Everything thats happining has been designed for our countries failure, look who he's associated with in his younger days, his donors, and who he surrounds himself with today.. Maybe the next go round, Barry serento will run. And the ones that don't vote are the ones that seem to complain the most and want something for nothing. Lets try getting it right this time, our lives depend on it, as well as country. ( God bless our service members and families ).

  • mark - 13 years ago

    Keep drinking the kool-aid of lies people.. Haven't gotten your fill yet..Wake up people..

  • Dave - 13 years ago

    Just wondering where is choice (E). None of the above?

  • Andrew - 13 years ago

    I will definitely not vote in the upcoming election because we somehow found 3 candidates worse than Obama and one good one who nobody will elect.
    Romney has RomneyCare which was the blueprint for the healthcare law and his only principled stance is the majority opinion for whatever crowd he's speaking in front of that day. Hard to fault him because his law actually helped keep healthcare cost lower and people feel that it helped to improve their care overall. Santorum comes off as an out of touch religious zealot who spits bile at the most random things. The Obama campaign would have fun with him. Newt lost me basing his campaign on a complete lie. 2 dollar gas is far possible but not with his plan. Ron Paul is the only good one but I think the mainstream will see some of his ideas as crazy. Everyone is on the libertarian train until we talk about people's right to drink raw milk....then people turn their ears off. If not Ron Paul I'd rather have Obama because he's actually passing Republican legislation from4 years ago. All the candidates are looking hypocritical for condemning legislation they either sponsored or supported before Obama suggested it. Liberals think he will turn after his re election but he concedes too much. We've pulled Obama towards the center. We just need to get some more votes in Congress. If we keep calling him a Socialist and a Marxist who only looks out for blacks maybe we can get him to compromise to our original conservative position. That plan is a better hope than the candidates we have right now.

  • Levi - 13 years ago

    Ron Paul is so powerful, they are arresting his supporters for not doing anything

  • Wade - 13 years ago

    A Vote for RINO Romney is a Vote for Obama! Wake up people stop letting the Media and the GOP Establishment tell you who to vote for. RINO Romney has no chance what so ever at Beating the Obama machine, RINO Romney is just another Democrat anyway. Gingrich is the Only Candidate running at this time that can Obama look like the JOKE that he is.

  • Newt Gingrich - 13 years ago

    No Frank, I do /not/ vote for a presidential candidate because of their personal life but vote for a candidate because of their /professional/ life. Obama was elected on the guise he has more of a personal connection with the people but it is and was never true.
    Romney will be destroyed in debates because he would be hypocritical to argue against Obamacare having implemented the "blue-prints" for it as Romneycare. Remember that.
    Newt Gingrich 2012! For a renewed-t tomorrow!

  • Taz - 13 years ago

    I'll continue to support Newt as he has the actual backbone to argue with "O dear leader." Unless of course Mr. Cain decides to step back in at a brokered convention, then he would definitely have my support. Cain has a plan and ideas that would shake the Nation to its core. And that is just what this Country needs. And "O dear leader" would not have a leg to stand on. Just sayin...

  • FRANKJPALANK - 13 years ago

    There is no question Newt could make Obama appear what he is. Newt cannot defend his record though, and too many people dislike his wife changing back ground. Sadly, we are left with Mitt. Surely the republican party should do better. I don't get it!!

  • Toad - 13 years ago

    Romney will not be able to debate Obama on Obamacare because Romney has Romneycare so that takes away one of the most important issues during the next election. So I will go with Gingrich who will rip Obama to pieces on Obamacare!

  • soonerthunder - 13 years ago

    Every nutcase that refuses to vote is making it easier for the current dictator wannabe four more years to completely destroy this country.

    If your dumbassed vote affected just you, I would say just go for it, but there are those of us will also have to pay for your ineptitude.

    If Obama gets in again, look for a number of states to secede from the union. Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Missouri, Kansas and other southern and mid-west states can unite and have everything we need to get along just fine. Wheat, beef, vegetables, oil and oil refineries. We won't need the states crammed full of idiots. Let them put up Oblamea's sick and perverted agenda. Damn right, I'm pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Just let the "king" try and stop us!

  • Wade - 13 years ago

    This Poll needs to be removed, it has been up way to long and it is not accurate you can vote as many times as you want. a waste of time.

  • Newt Gingrich - 13 years ago

    No Sassy, there is no cherrypicking. Newt is the man we need right now, and people are finally realizing we need reliability and stability. While it took me forever to pick Newt as my candidate, that time garnered ample reasons he is the only presidential candidate I trust.
    Newt Gingrich 2012! For a renewed-t tomorrow!
    The only man with the /actual/ experience needed.
    Newt will lead the way to $2.50/gal gasoline!

  • Sassyspuds - 13 years ago

    It is blatantly obvious that FOX is cherry-picking these post for public view. They are so unfairly skewed ANTI-Romney. Either FAUX has completely lost touch with the real pulse of America...or these are the only types of viewers they have left....or maybe these are just NYC folks. Mitt is what this country NEEDS. Quit pandering FAUX to all the dramatics and catch phrases "anyone but Mitt" etc's getting really old.

  • Lucy Estevan - 13 years ago

    Gingrich has reason to be in the run, coming from a socialist country is my opinion that he is getting pay millions of dollar to be in the race to destroy Mit, I have seing this before in my country ....American wake up.... we cannot live in a socialist coutry... we will lose our freedom......

  • Mark Taylor - 13 years ago

    How refreshing it would be to have an intelligent President like Newt Gingrich, who could actually come up with solutions AND push them through...especially if he had a Republican congress to help him do it.

    Let's face it...all four of these Republican candidates have been part of the Republican party for many, many years, and all of them have a certain amount of baggage. Any of them would be better than Obama, but they can't all get elected. Let's look at each one of them:

    -Romney has RomneyCare hanging around his neck, and a Kerry-esque degree of flipflopping on MAJOR issues (i.e., abortion). He seems nice enough, but wishy washy to me, and it's sad that the Republican establishment (who continues to deny their own existence, LOL) has "sold" him as the only one who can beat Obama? Hahaha. If our best best for beating Obama is a liberal Mormon from Massachusetts, we might as well quit now. What a laugh. There's no way I'll vote for Romney. I'll vote, but not for him or Obama. I'll just skip voting for president and go right to the other offices on the ballot.

    -Newt has a history of marital infidelity, so the argument will be "he's not trustworthy." Still, Clinton was arguably a decent present (economically speaking), and at least its out of Newt's system, he's repented and sought forgiveness in the church, and seemingly turned a new leaf. At least he's said all the right things and demonstrated that he's repentant. And he certainly could mop the floor with Obama in debates, and campaign strategy (with the full monetary force of the party behind him) and would draw a very stark contrast between conservatives and Obama. I'll say this: despite Newt's flaws, I do know that the last time Republicans acted the way I think they should act was when Newt Gingrich was Speaker of the House. I will definitely vote for Newt if given the chance.

    -Santorum is clearly principled and sincere in my mind, but let's face it...the left is going to portray him as a right-wing religious fanatic, and that very phrase just scares the bejeezus out of some middle-of-the-roaders. He's going to be a hard sell with independents. I would personally vote for him, but I don't think he'd win.

    -Ron Paul is also clearly principled, and in my opinion has done the BEST job of focusing on spending cuts. I believe he really would TRY to cut spending. But I don't believe he'd find a congress that would work with him, whether Democrat or Republican. And there's no way he'd win. Ever. His hard-line stance against entitlements obviously alienate him with liberals, and his isolationist foreign policy stance obviously alienates him with conservatives. Not enough people in the middle to get him elected. I would vote for Ron Paul if he was the only choice against Obama. But I can't support him for the Republican nomination, mostly because he's really a Libertarian, not a Republican.

    I know everyone is so passionate about "their" candidate right now, and I keep hearing this wishful thinking that "everyone will unite behind a Republican candidate in the end, against Obama." I really don't think Republicans will all rally behind Romney. If he wins the nomination, we'll lose just like we did with McCain and just like we did with Dole. C'mon Republicans....learn from the past—the RECENT past, for goodness sake.

    I'm personally keeping my fingers crossed for Newt, despite his past moral flaws, just for his experience and track record and intellect. I know I'm not the same person I was 10 or 20 years ago. I learn from the past, and I'm not nearly as intelligent at Newt Gingrich.

    I encourage all sincere conservatives to argue with facts, and avoid name-calling. Get your details together, make your arguments and be persuasive. I think it's worth the effort.

  • macophile - 13 years ago

    I'm a libertarian leaning conservative, or a conservative leaning libertarian. I'm registered as an independent.

    Neither Romney nor Santorum understands that our rights are natural, flow from God and are only codified in the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers and the US Constitution to make it clear to the uninformed. Instead, I've heard both espouse the incorrect theory that somehow the Founders GAVE us our rights -- for that, neither man is qualified to be our next President: how could either take an oath to uphold & defend our Constitution if they don't even understand the core on which it is based?


    I will NOT vote for Romney. He is a smarmy, arrogant hypocrite who appears to be the RINO equivalent of Clinton (without the sexcapades). He wets his finger, sees which way the wind is blowing, then claims to have "always" been in agreement with that trend. I found it incredibly disingenuous when he chided his opponents about weathering the smears & attacks from negative ads & SuperPACs -- then cried foul when Santorum (stupidly) invited democrats to vote for him (boohoo). Romney is a patrician, rich dilettante who doesn't have a clue how we mere mortals must scrape to live & survive.

    As a microcosm of Romney's attitude toward the little people, one only need look at how he treated his family dog: caged up in a kennel & lashed to the roof of the family station wagon so the poor thing was out of sight, out of mind -- yet this heartless pretender claimed the dog loved it: this is how we'll symbolically be treated, as well, if this man achieves his goals for power.

    As to Santorum, I won't vote for him either. He lacks the finesse of a statesman & doesn't exercise any judgment or self-control when he speaks -- he doesn't know when to shut up & continues to shoot himself in the foot (too bad, it isn't his mouth so he can give it a rest!). For all his "spiritual" postering, he has proven to be mean & vicious as he has dug deep to attack, smear, and go dirty. His words drip with vitriole as he assails his opponents. He showed incredibly poor judgment when he sought Democratic cross-over votes, acting as if he was enlisting "Reagan Democrats" when all he actually got were Democratic spoiler votes from those who hoped to help a weaker candidate that could help Obama get reelected.

    Who would have thought that the innocuous sweater vest could become a harbinger of evil & the next tyrannical/political clothing fad like those horrid Che T-shirts?

    Both of these men are mendacious mediocrities -- and if they're the best the GOP can offer us, this country will need constant, unending prayer just to maintain the current status-quo, let alone hope for any real improvements!

    Neither man will get my vote in my state primary (in my state, as an Independent, I can choose to vote in the primary under one party -- normally, I go GOP or Constitution Party). If either of them secures the nomination, I will NOT vote for the GOP candidate. Rather, in November I will vote third party & choose either the candidate for the Constitution Party or the Libertarian Party. I must vote my conscience, not for some party machine, certified & stamped, Robo-Candidate, no matter how much I want to rid us of the worst president, EVER: the Manchurian-Kenyan Candidate, Obama.

    "But an understanding of the Constitution different from mine I cannot
    overlook, because the Constitution, to be worth anything, must be held
    sacred, and rigidly observed in all its provisions. The man who wields
    power and misinterprets it is the more dangerous the more honest he is."

    __ Horatio Bunce, friend and advisor to Davy Crockett

  • Someone Smart - 13 years ago

    If any of them win I'll kill myself.

  • Me - 13 years ago

    The only canidate that has voted against all of those bad laws that led to the down fall of our economy was Ron Paul if people just look at their voting records the will see who can back-up their speeches.

  • Hardy Parkerson - 13 years ago

    The only Republican that has a chance of
    beating President Obama is Louisiana's
    own Favorite Son Charles "Buddy" Roemer,
    former successful multi-term Congressman
    and Governor of Louisiana.


    Hardy Parkerson
    Chairman, Louisiana Democrats for Roemer
    [Roemer is really a Ronald Reagan Democrat at heart.]
    127 Greenway Street
    Lake Charles, LA 70605
    (337) 802-4041;

  • Rufus Choate - 13 years ago

    Ron Paul can't even beat Gingrich or Santorum and isn't even trying to beat his boy friend Romney. There just isn't that many potheads in either party to elect him anything aside from crazy old Uncle Ron from the planet Paul.

  • statesman1776 - 13 years ago

    Paul can take Democrat votes, Independent votes, and youth votes away from Obama. Paul will also take all the republican votes. The other three candidates will take nothing away from Obama and only take some of the Republican votes. I know I will not vote for Newt, Rick, Mitt or Barry.

  • voter12 - 13 years ago

    Rick Santorum is the Conservative, and he can beat Obama in 2012. Mitt is becoming weak as time goes by. It's becoming very clear to many voters that we don't need a Rhino who says one thing and switches to another in one same breathe, nor do we need Mitt whose health care failed as gov. I Mitt's question his business experience today, and never has he come clean about his business practice today. Rick has pretty much stayed on message from the very beginning. I don't care how many old GOPer's move to Mitt there's a reason why Conservative does NOT support Mitt. Rick Santorum message's resonating with voters. Mitt's speeches becoming too much like Obama. Newt time to get out. You and Perry had your chance.

  • Huntsman 2016 - 13 years ago

    Anyone who thinks that Santorum, Paul, or Gingrich could beat Obama needs to actually talk to some moderates. I am a moderate liberal who supported Obama in 2008; many of us moderates are very disappointed in the Obama presidency. However, not a single moderate (including moderate Republicans) I know would even think of voting for any of those three. Santorum is way too conservative, Gingrich is unethical, and Paul is insane. Quite honestly, I am leaning towards Obama at this point. The reason why Romney probably will not win this election is because too many Republicans failed to acknowledge that outside of Red-State America, the other three candidates aren't very popular at all (with the exception of Paul, who has a small but loyal following throughout America), and they haven't united behind the one candidate who could have gotten Obama out of office.

  • mbankat - 13 years ago

    Romney is a suit. A polished, shiney, used-car salesman. He will shake your hand, kiss your baby, look you right in the eye, wink; and tell you just what you want to hear. He is precisely the type of person we have had since 1960 in Washington: the cause of our demise.

    I've lived in Massachusetts all my life. He is nothing but an ultra-wealthy, politically connected, born of privilege, egotistical same-old same-old. He is is the same as Ted Kennedy, just on the other side of the fence.

    I've been a Republican since I began voting some 30 years ago. I would rather hasten the demise of the country under OhhBumma II, than to painfully delay it under more Washington-style political BS that Romney will certainly continue.

    I will sit out an election with Romney vs. Ohhhbumma. Let the chips fall where they will - let the Fall of the American Experience come quicky. Perhaps we might be able to rebuild.

  • Cara 1 - 13 years ago

    I also lived in Massachusetts when Mitt Romney was Governor. He was an excelent Governor! He left us with a large surplus of money and worked well with everyone. And by the way, Romney's Health Care Plan was not like Obama Care until the Democrats were elected back into office and changed it to suit their agenda! The Democrats in Massachusetts are ruining the State. Thank God Barney is gone, but we do not need another Kennedy in office. Go Romney, Beilat, and Scott Brown. Now if we could just get a Republican Governor, maybe the State could get back to being a better place to live.

  • Susan - 13 years ago

    Any poll that lets you vote over and over again is stupid. Fox, I love you guys but don't go around doing dumb stuff like this or you will lose respect.

  • valkyrie2usa - 13 years ago

    I won't say anything bad about any of the candidates because any and all are more desirable than Obama, but I voted foe Santorum in Oklahoma''s recent delegate selection process and hope that I have the opportunity to again do so in the general election. I will, however, support whoever is selected to oppose Obama.

  • Allen - 13 years ago

    Santorum is the ONLY candidate in the race who can beat Obama.

    I watched Charles K. tonight once again try to prop up Romney because he was obviously TOLD TO. Charles is too smart of a man to be this far off on this one on his own.


    The Democrats will absolutely crush Romney if he is allowed to become the candidate.

    The people in Alabama and Mississippi need to understand that Gingrich is currently another Robert E. Lee who is not listening to Longstreet, aka Santorum, about how bad Romney will get slaughtered in the charge, aka Pickett.

  • cark - 13 years ago

    Amazing how informed the Ron Paul bashers are. Sure, you can disagree on the issue, but at least be knowledgible and truthful about representing them. I don't fully agree with everything Ron Paul says, but at least I know what he is telling me is truthful, straightforward and honest.

    First of all, I am life long conservativeRepublican. A Christian, a father of 2 and an engineer. I have never used drugs. Whoever said that people that support RP have nothing to lose and are all druggies are full of it. I am voting for RP because I want my kids to have a better country than what the corrupt wall street financed status quo is offering.

    First, Ron Paul is NOT an isolationist. He preaches non-intervention, which is exactly what George Washington preached. There is a difference, so research it for yourself. Ron Paul is the only vetern and has by far the strongest plan to defend our nation while also being realistic with our budget deficits

    Ron Paul has laid out a very detailed and itemized plan to cut $1T. Google it. The other fake conservative candidates only propose cutting some of the future growth, and history has shown that we can not even count on them for that.

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