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Who has the best chance of defeating President Obama?

Total Votes: 334,138

  • NinjaMidget - 13 years ago

    A small part of me is still hoping for that epic debate between newt and obama

  • Yvonne Jones - 13 years ago


    Can you think of one thing Mitt Romney did as Governor of Massachusetts that you want to replicate on the federal level?

    NEWT is the street fighter that we need! He is today's version of Churchill!

    Newt Gingrich is the one man in the Republican field who has actually accomplished big things for the conservative movement in Washington:

    His leadership brought us the first Republican majority in the House in 40 years.
    He balanced the budget 4 years in a row, the only time that’s happened in our lifetimes.
    He passed welfare reform with a president who didn’t want to sign it (Bill Clinton).

    GOD save America from the DUMBOCRATS and the ESTABLISHMENT!!!

    Please God Please!!

  • lifelong independent - 13 years ago

    I have to say I'm scratching my head in bewilderment that, for 3 years of anti-Obama mouth foaming, the GOP was unable to field any kind of worthy candidate. I would have voted for Paul in the general, but doubt he'll make it to the ballot; like the others, he is fatally flawed.
    ~lifelong independent

  • Glenn Portwood - 13 years ago

    These guys are about as exciting as warm milk when you want a shot of whiskey. We need someone with splash - Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann or Herman Cain. I'm a political junkie but these guys put me to sleep. However, I will vote for anyone except Obama.

  • JRRS - 13 years ago

    Obama is pumping money into Santorum PACs to keep the race going and block Romney from gaining enough delegates to win before the Convention By September, it will be too late to oraganize a campaign to defeat Obama. The Democrats know Santorum is the weakest candidate and Obama would crush him in November.

  • BillSaidIt - 13 years ago

    I agree with Plosie on this one - First vote Obama out and then see what's in it for America

    OMG = Obama Must Go

    Obama = Only Barack And Michelle's America


  • Iceman - 13 years ago

    Santorum I think could beat Obama better than anyone on all issues than the rest of the canidates. He relates to all amercians across the country on what made america and how we can restore it back to what it use to be. Im a Democrate but Santorum will get my vote come November if he's the repulician canidate. But there no way Romney or Obama would get mine there to much alike on all issues, I dont think Romney could beat Obama because look at the money he's spending and barley beating Santorum in some states. The news even says that the Democrats want to run against Santorum cause he's easiest to beat but I think they really want Romney cause he would be the easiest against Obama, because they are alike in many ways so why vote against what you all ready have. I think this is stupid that the republicians is looking at who has the most money in the primary and pushing that canidate, every thing that Romney says looks like lies to me. He's even against guns and then said he wasnt, look at the things he voted for in the past, same side as Obama. I think we may be on a path for destruction so why should bother to even vote.

  • Paul - 13 years ago

    Response to winner123: What we do not need is more of the same agenda. Romney's record, healthcare model for Obamacare, coming from the most Liberal state, does not promote conservative ideals. his rhetoric does not match his history. Santorum is a extreme warmonger, and he was rated one of the highest rated spenders in the Senate. Now he's conservative?
    Gingrich is for all big government programs, Global warming , agreed with Pelosi most of the time. More big government. You mentioned that Paul cannot get things done if he were elected. for one thing, rain in the big spenders in Congress so to speak. Our debt clock is go up thousands a second.
    The fact I think is the most critical is our freedoms. We need to stop the blatant attack on our Constitution, as we have become subjects, not "We the People" They are passing Unconstitutional laws at a accelerated rate like never before. This will stop with a true
    Constitutionalists in the White House.
    Time to restore America Ron Paul 2012 ! .

  • chloe - 13 years ago

    Ron Paul never has laid out a plan for how he will reduce the deficit by 1T in the first year. He says he doesn't do or say XY or Z because "I don't want to" what the heck kind of answer is that? He sounds like a petulant 3 year old. He scares me as much as obozo.

  • Joe Baker - 13 years ago

    No matter who becomes the G.O.P. candidate the slogan for the 2012 campaign should be: YES WE CAN...GET RID OF THE B.O. AND THE B.S. IN THE WHITEHOUSE!

  • anonnn - 13 years ago

    TO EVERYBODY WHO DOUBTS RON PAUL: please go to youtube and start looking up ron paul videos. This man is legitimate. He joined politics back in 1971 because the U.S. stopped the gold standard and became a fiat currency. Hes been preaching the same economic and international policies for DECADES. He is against the status quo. He is the only one standing up for YOU. WAKE UP. All other canidates are funded and supported by corporations. ALL OF THEIR CAMPAIGNS ARE PAID FOR BY CORPORATIONS! RON PAUL'S ISNT!!!! ITS ALL GRASSROOTS. ITS PEOPLE WHO HAVE WOKEN UP TRYING TO FIGURE OUR HOW YOU CAN BE BRAINWASHED. THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA BLACKOUT IS REAL. THE VOTER FRAUD IS REAL. WAKE UP.

  • winner123 - 13 years ago

    If Ron paul were elected,he would have to be abel to get things done in senate and house,Ron Paul has never gotten nothing passed through either, but on the other hand Newt ballanced the budget four years in a row and got it all passed through Clinton he knows how to get things done. He is the only one running smart enough to beat the Dems at ther own game.

  • Wade - 13 years ago

    A Vote for RINO Romney is a Vote for Obama. if Romney wins America Loses.
    Vote for any one but RINO Romnmey. the Left wants him to win and the GOP Establishment wants him to win that should be reason enough NOT to vote for RINO Romney. Stop letting the Neqws tell you who to vote for, they keep saying Romney is the guy so people fall in line and say DUH ok what ever you say Ill vote for the Guy who cant make up his mind and will change it any time some one with money tells him to.

  • SoCo Gal - 13 years ago

    READ what Ron Paul actually says on military DEFENSE vs Military SPENDING. He wants to INCREASE military DEFENSE and cut military spending - like $1 BILLION dollars building a U.S. Embassy in Iraq (SPENDING = ON NON-DEFENSE ITEMS)

    Ron Paul is the ONLY viable candidate. Go to his official website and LISTEN. Go to the numerous YouTubes where he is speaking infront of Congress - he talks the talk and WALKS THE WALK.

    All the others have proven track records as political coporatists like Mitt "Corporations are People Too" Romney; Santorum is a "convenient" conservative; and Newt, oh sheeze, Newt - failed politician, failed historian, failed lobbyist who now wants to be President.

    VOTE RON PAUL 2012 - A real American for Americans !

  • Bonfirex - 13 years ago

    YOU cant handle the truth. look at the facts. Ron Paul has been right on every issue. you think that RP supporters are loony. no. we are just sick of the lies, sick of the BS and SICK and TIRED of being the sheep that this government wants us to be. if you can handle the truth, VOTE RON PAUL. do your homework and make the right decision and DON'T fall for he cant win, that just means they are TERRIFIED of him. and if you do the homework, for good reason.

  • Sandy - 13 years ago

    Romney-care is such a turn-off, many conservatives would never consider voting for him in the general elections. Medicare aside, Romney as a candidate is less exciting than Dole or McCain ever were. Bringing votes across the party line will be a virtual impossibility once Axelrod and Pluff will magnify the occasional gaffs he is prone to, the Bain deals, the taxes, the foreign accounts… With Romney as the GOP candidate, the turnout will be so low, the Senate and even the House may became out of reach.

    Santorum is in over his head. He lacks the experience, the ability to handle the press and even basic campaigning skills. He’s doing well only because the conservatives are so desperate they are willing to overlook the reality. The Dems made him radioactive already: he cannot avoid stepping in all the social issues traps in front of him. The general elections will be a blood fest.

    Even if Paul is fundamentally right on most issues, he lacks the ability to debate effectively and to express clearly his message. I have to give him that at times, his writing is brilliant, but reading is not a strong attribute of the electorate. Years of bad press made him an impractical candidate.

    The obvious choice always was and remains Gingrich. In times as these, his constitutional populist conservatism is the best brand of conservatism to sell: can excite the base, and more importantly, can appeal to the fed-up independents. I do not believe that any conservative can question his political past in good faith. Newt’s personal past seems to be his Achilles’ heel. But it is curious how Newt is accused of lack of constancy by the very same conservative crowd that went to bed with each and every non-Romney candidate, only to abandon them the next morning. With no more fresh options, some are courting Romney now. The irrational behavior and the total abandon with which the conservatives wasted primary votes is mind numbing.

    But there is still time to turn this thing around. Vote Newt!

  • Carl W. Petite - 13 years ago

    Talking points aside, the real GOP opponent to face this self-righteous POTUS is Newt Gingrich. Period, end of story. Ron Paul is truly an isolationist, his ideas appeal to those that have lost everything, and therefore have not too much more to loose; Rick Santorum is too much of an idealist, he will not make the necessary accommodations that all politicians need to make in order for this government to work, remember we are not a dictatorship no matter what the current occupier of the WH thinks; Mitt Romney has garnered no more points than he garnered the last time he ran for the office, his money is the only thing that he has going for him, and unfortunately he does come from a corporate background, one term of governorship does not make a political leader.
    If you agree that the real problem in DC is the way government works or refuses to work, then you need a real politician as POTUS, one that believes that we are a Constitutional Government, and will act to return us to the pre-new-deal era of political understanding. Vote Newt..
    If you believe that corporate greed got us to this point, remember that corporations are following the laws and mandates given to them by the DC government, and unless that is changed than Mitt cannot help. After a term of Gingrich as POTUS, then we may be able to consider Mitt.
    If you believe that our support for liberty and freedom for other countries was a useless struggle, and our service men and women were necessary fodder for the grist mills than an isolationist government is in your future if you truly support Ron Paul.
    Newt is more intelligent, articulate, and knowledgeable on the Constitution and all walks of government than the other three put together, he does not fulfill all the tenants individuals may like, however he does have a healthy smattering of everything that is needed to be the next POTUS.
    All BS aside, in a real debate he would clean Obama's clock, and then some.

  • Sabrina - 13 years ago

    Oh, you starry-eyed Ron Paul lovers. He can't win, he wants to be an isolationist. We MUST defend against further attacks, we NEED foreign military and secret services. Mitt Romney may not be my first pick but he has the capital to finance a campaign and he is an excellent money-maker. He is a decent man, devoted to family. He has the best chance to defeat the big zero.

  • SP - 13 years ago

    Ron Paul or Obama wins; plain and simple.

    Ron Paul is the ONLY one attracts the disenfranchised anti-war Dems, as well as the young voters.
    Ron Paul ONLY one who consistently polls the best with independents
    Many Ron Paul supporters, like myself, will ONLY vote for Ron Paul (and there are a lot of us)

    These three simple points are quite evident in their ultimate conclusion; anyone else but Ron gets the nomination and it's going to be 4 more years of forgotten promises and lies from Obama.

    This election is a make it or break it moment in history, lets not break it.

  • Ninety5rpm - 13 years ago

    I'm a 51 year old self-employed engineer with a wife and child, and I'm very concerned about our future.

    Newt indeed attacked capitalism. Capitalism! And he supported the bailouts. Plus, that guy is a total Washington insider/lobbyist. Sending in Gingrich to improve Washington is like sending in the fox to improve the hen house.

    Romney is just a big government liberal. He too supported the bailouts. His policies, especially foreign, would be barely discernible from Obama's. Why bother?

    Santorum is a fake conservative. And he would be skewered by Obama. Plus he's not even eligible to win delegates in a bunch of states, including Ohio and Virginia. He can't even run a presidential campaign competently; how could he run the executive branch of the U.S. government competently?

    It's unclear if any of these three would even be an improvement over Obama.

    Then there's Ron Paul. Dr. "No". His record is consistently Constitutional and flawless - Romney et. al. are not going after him on it because they can't. Neither could Obama. Paul is the only one with a serious plan to actually cut spending and reduce the debt. Some people are nervous about his foreign policy, but do we really need to entangle ourselves in foreign conflicts? Was Vietnam a good idea? Iraq? Even Afghanistan? To what end? We're just making them more and more angry with us. Paul is also polling best against Obama, probably because he can pull liberals and independents better than the others.

    If you're serious about beating Obama, there is no choice but to vote for and support Ron Paul.

  • Eric N - 13 years ago

    Ron Paul would definitely do the best in the general election vs. Obama. Ron Paul appeals to EVERYONE and does the absolute best with independents. You should read some of the bills Ron Paul has written - they are incredible and if we had a decent congress who actually read the bills and made an informed decision, they would have passed!

    Here is a link to some of his bills:

  • R McIntosh - 13 years ago

    I lived in MA when Romney was governor. He was NOT what he is pretending to be to win your vote. I can assure you of that. I WAS a democrat until I discovered Ron Paul last election. I am now on the ballot as a delegate for Ron Paul.

  • Demoso - 13 years ago

    Americans - In all honesty is there a question as to what the President wants to do. Increase gas prices, taxes, fees. POTUS wants to dictate to YOU how you should live, be free and pursue happiness. He wants to be your sugardaddy/

    Now there is Newt. Yes he has been a bad boy. OK Dont ask him to marry you or visit you for coffee. But check out what he HAS DONE. Balance budgets (Clinton could not have done it without Newt-no possible way), Reform welfare (Two out of three people said "Hmmm I guess they want me to go to work. Sounds like a plan"), Reduced taxes with Reagan (It was actually done withut raiding Soc Sec. who knew).

    He wants to free business of unneeded regs, let companies find and use oil, encourage business with expensing their own money (Not a specific business- solyndra- all business) and a mriad of other issues that gets the feds OUT OF YOUR LIFE.


  • Glenn - 13 years ago

    Lets get real here folks. Ron Paul would get absolutely stomped on by Obama and the Democrats. If your stupid enough to sit this one out because you don't like the GOP candidate, you're a fool. Hold your nose if you have to when you vote...........just make sure you vote.

  • Jive Dadson - 13 years ago

    I am a 64 year old independent who will vote for Ron Paul. Several recent, reputable polls show that if the election were held today. Ron Paul would edge out Obama. Santorum or Gingrich would lose badly. At present Ron Paul does only slightly better than Mitt Romney vs. Obama. However, Paul's edge will widen as independents and Dems learn that the lies about Ron Paul which are repeated so often are just that: lies. Ron Paul terrifies the Big Government establishment of both the Republican and Democratic brands. He will beat Obama in a landslide if he wins the GOP nomination.

  • Constitutionalist - 13 years ago

    Ron Paul is the only candidate who is willing to enforce the Constitution as it was originally conceived. Young people are starting to rally behind Paul because they've seen how bad Big Government can be. It doesn't matter if there's a conservative or a liberal at the helm; Big Government is Big Government, and it's going to trample on your rights no matter what. Dismantle the IRS, dismantle the regulatory state, dismantle the welfare state and we can finally have true prosperity and freedom.

  • Larry - 13 years ago

    I'm a democrat having just submitted my vote for Dr. Ron Paul, I feel the country would be transformed into a much better place with Dr. as president. No wars, further establishment of our liberties, and a sound economic policy.

    His honesty is spot on, he's been sayin the same thing for the past 15+ years. Hasn't swayed, or changed in a bit, just his hair has become whiter.

  • KCTed - 13 years ago

    Why are people griping about Dr Paul? I tapped in a vote for him, then I look at these comments and see pure venom. I'm not a "groupie", I'm pushing 60 years old and have closely followed politics all my life. Mitt, Rick and Newt will not get the huge number of Independents (like myself) because they are no different than what we already have.

    Paul can pull the anti-war people (many of whom are Dems) he pulls the economic minded Dems, aforementioned Ind., libertarian minded and Repubs. If he was to capture the nomination probably almost all of the Repubs. It's important to note that the combined Dems and Inds. vastly outnumber Republicans, just as the combined Ind. and Repubs vastly outnumber the Dems. Paul crosses party lines and philosophical differences. That's why he is the only one that can beat Obama.

    Economic experts have clearly stated that our economy is in such bad shape, Paul's policies are the only ones recognized as reversing the catastrophic trend. I am not a "kid" and I have delved deeply into the situation we are in, and see myself big changes must occur. Changes within the scope of Constitutional authority, not bypassing it for the benefit of Wall Street banksters, The Fed and global corporations. Dr Paul has been severely marginalized to assist those who have done grave damage to our country, so they may continue to do so.

    Regardless of how much you love the concept of "kicking but t" in foreign nations and maintaining a global military occupation, we can no longer afford it. We are reaching the end on how much we can borrow and how much money we can print. We continue on at grave peril.
    Obama made a campaign promise something like this: "Bringing the troops home will be the first thing I do when I become president. You can take that to the bank."
    How many active soldiers, knowing they were fighting in a bogus war, voted for Obama based on that promise? How many of them are now dead because of that broken promise? We know they won't be switching their vote this time, dead soldiers can't vote. Dr Paul is incredibly consistent and has long track record of doing what he says. He will fulfill Obama's broken promises and you can indeed take that to the bank!

    Had he been elected in 2008, how many of those soldiers would still be alive, along with the innocent women and children that died (collateral damage)? As you listen to the other candidates, they change their promises and platforms constantly to pander for votes, Dr Paul does not. Ask yourself, why do these others run and who do they represent?

    Wake up America.. If we keep voting for more of the same that we have always been getting, we will always keep getting more of the same.

  • Dan - 13 years ago

    Newt had me right up to the point that he stooped to attacking Romney by attacking Capitalism. When he was able to go to that extreme, I knew there was nothing this man could be trusted to protect. Capitalism is the basis that has created the greatest country in the history of man, and the essence of our freedom. This is evidenced by the fact that this is the 1 thing Obama has attacked relentlessly.

  • Roe - 13 years ago

    This poll proved only one thing. Ron Paul supporters are nothing more than a bunch of groupies who like Obama zombies act the same way. What a worthless waste of time it is doing any kind of popular poll. Ron Paul a man who appeals to those who want a "free" America which mainly means, drugs are legal. Even the audacity of one to accuse people of stealing Ron Paul's votes. Good grief. These supporters need help.

  • Tony Scott - 13 years ago

    Why is the winner not at to top? It's deceiving to average viewers. Come on already... How sick is that same old tactic?

  • Boopsy - 13 years ago

    Anybody but Santorum. Barack would absolutely wipe the floor with him both in a debate and in the voting booth. We need an Alpha male or female to beat BO, and Rick is beta or lower. No matter what Rush says, I fear it would be a frickin' disaster. We must get rid of Obama.

  • Rick350 - 13 years ago

    Let's stop with the Ron Paul beating Obama nonsense. Good grief. He may have good ides, tho some seem a little kooky, and have very loyal supporters. But elections are won by the so called independents, not hard core libertarians. I want this dope Obama out of office as much as anyone. Ron Paul is not the one who is going to do that.

  • Sandy - 13 years ago

    One more thing. Jeremy Eliot is right.

  • Sandy - 13 years ago

    Obsess much?
    This is not a poll. This is a place where lunatics like us come back from time to time to add yet another hand full of “votes” that do not measure anything except our level of insanity.
    I believe we are trapped here instead of doing things that would really have an impact.
    This does not mean I will not be back “voting” until the system kicks me out :o)…

  • No one but Paul - 13 years ago

    It would be wise to support Paul for the Republican nomination as I am sure that if anyone of the other three candidates get nominated the Ron Paul supporters will most likely not vote Republican therefore giving Obama a sizable advantage if you can put together the likely scenario. Besides Ron Paul can cut a TRILLION on spending in ONE year... c'mon people.. it's not that hard.. we're facing really tough times in the near future..

  • Thomas - 13 years ago

    Ron Paul won this poll, so we won't see it on the air.

  • Brian Henry - 13 years ago

    Ron Paul is an honest man, a great politician. He would make a brilliant president.

  • Gary Mull - 13 years ago

    As a so-called "Reagan Democrat" originally from California I feel the only one I would vote for is Mitt Romney. Like Reagan he effectively governed a democratic state and learned how to compromise on details, but not on principle. I joined the Reagan bandwagon as I felt like he knew how to effectively reach across the isle with Tip O'Niell and accomplish something for the overall good. I don't believe the other candidates will do that as effectively as Romney, hence he has my vote come election time. The others don't.

  • Jeremy Eliot. - 13 years ago

    Newt Gingrich is by far the correct choice for President. Is he perfect ? no...
    He is the only one who has the years of experience , which include success and failure, good calls and bad ones too, which overall give Newt Gingrich an enormous amount of experience.
    America will be wise to tap this experience and vote Newt Gingrich for President.

  • Lee - 13 years ago

    Hey, i just voted for Rick Santorum 6 times and it registered. I think I'll keep voting for him since I want him to win! I learnt this from ACORN 101 book. You should read it it is great!

  • Michael R Johnson - 13 years ago

    newt, rick, and mitt if elected would do the same old Gov. crap, we need a complete new aproach, overhaul, different. Ron Paul would put Government back were it is supposed to be.

  • RJ - 13 years ago

    Romney is nothing more than Bob Dole and John McCain 'redux,' with another guaranteed landslide loss.

    Even if he were to win , which he cannot, his administration would be nothing less than obama's planned second term.

  • Pauper - 13 years ago

    "Pete - 17 hours ago
    This poll shows that Republicans have fallen for the media's lie.
    I bet if Obama were taken out of the equation and everyone was asked who they would most like to see become President, the answers would be wildly different. All this poll shows is that Republicans have drunk the Kool-Aid."

    Looks like you actually agree with the Repubs: It's time to take Obama out of the equation.

  • Pauper - 13 years ago

    "us Americans have an education..unlike the politicians and Foxnews employees."

    I'm not sure where you recieved your vaunted education, but your claim would be more convincing if it read "we Americans have an education."

  • chris16 - 13 years ago

    The numbers for newt are as fake as his twitter followers.

  • Kate4RonPaul - 13 years ago

    Fox is Unfair and UnBalanced. I read an article once about how stupid people are that watch Fox. People that don't own TV's are more informed of the truth on issues than people who watch Fox.

  • David - 13 years ago

    Stephanie is correct. You son's of bitches removed votes from Dr. Paul's total. Shame!!!

  • Ex O'Rielly Viewer and now Ex Republican - 13 years ago

    I was proud to recieve and Autographed book from Bill O for my irthday only a few years back, I am about ready to burn it for his lunacy when it comes to ignoring freedom and liberty.
    Ron Paul has already won this poll a hundred times over, don't need to know the same answer over and over and over to get Americans have an education..unlike the politicians and Foxnews employees.

  • Stephanie - 13 years ago

    How dare you delete Ron Paul's votes. Ron Paul was just at 1,800 something votes 30 minutes ago. This is disgusting.

  • Neil - 13 years ago

    Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate that willing to end these undeclared wars and bring the troops home to patrol our borders. The troops know this, that is why they support Ron Paul twice as much as the other candidates combined. Rick Santorum is off the charts on the Creep-o-meter scale. Romney is off the charts on my Fake-o-meter scale, and Newt is off the charts on the Douche-o-meter scale. They ALL will continue to put our brothers and sisters in harms way for their own idiological pursuits. Ron Paul will teach Americans the Constitution. Ron Paul will cut ONE TRILLION in spending the first year. Israel can defend herself with no problems. Iran can have nukes, everyone else surrounding them does. Americans need to rethink our foreign policies. How would we feel if Chinese soldiers were patrolling our streets, raiding our houses, burning our Bibles? We would be pissed too, and revolt any way we could... I would hope....


  • leslie - 13 years ago

    I vote for the guy that has the balls to say what he really thinks not the guy who says what he thinks Americans want to hear. If Romney wins the nomination it just tells me what I already know. Money buys votes.

  • Pete - 13 years ago

    This poll shows that Republicans have fallen for the media's lie.
    I bet if Obama were taken out of the equation and everyone was asked who they would most like to see become President, the answers would be wildly different. All this poll shows is that Republicans have drunk the Kool-Aid.

  • Bobgood1 - 13 years ago

    Mitt has been sccessful in business. That doesn't assure a Great President. It does show good business savy. It shows a knowledge of ACCOUNTING. It shows living within BUDGETS. That is more than we have now. We have too much Politics and not enough problem solving

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