Do you agree with the 'not guilty' verdict in the Perrish Cox sex assault trial?


  • Norm - 13 years ago

    Geez you all act and talk like you were sitting on the jury. The jury heard and saw the evidence, and they decided not guilty. Just because you may believe he did it, doesnt make it so. What if he didnt do it, uh?? Then his future is ruined? A jury aquitted him, god help any of you if you ever get caught up in the legal system, the jury is your last line of hope. Beware for you might find yourself in his shoes.

  • Otto Washington - 13 years ago

    I think the jury did a terrible injustice to this woman. Whether she was the team ho or not I certainly think Mr Cox is a very undesirable sport athelete and does not deserve to play in a professional sport. I would not approve of any team that hires him. His character is shown to be very ghetto and he doesnot deserve anything less/

  • Mike - 13 years ago

    That is pathetic that he was aquited. She was obviously passed out and was carried to a room where the slime ball did what he wanted because he is an untouchable athlete. She was incapacitated and not aware of what was going on therefore, raped! The jury should be ashamed of themselves for not doing thier job and not understanding what constitutes a rape.

  • jeanne j - 13 years ago

    Gil, You need to educate yourself. It is obvious you do not know the difference between a hoe and a "ho". With that lack of intelligence you certainly don't have the brains to make a judgement in this case. I am sorry she lost the case but delighted that she ruined his future. Like Kobe, he will always be known for the rape. I am sure he does not have the proverbial "pot" and so there is no money. He, He.

  • fred - 13 years ago

    How can a jury deny that they had sex when his DNA was present. As I understand the law, that if she did NOT consent or was under the influnce of alcohol or what ever, it is still rape.
    Another case of Bronco / Pro sport people getting away with "RAPE!" I some time wonder why a scumbag lawyer can convince normal people that they are wrong to believe that a pro
    player can do any wrong. What about the comments of his team mate as Cox was carrying her to his bedroom "I think shes ready." She may well be the team HO but rape is rape.

  • Jill - 13 years ago

    There is something horribly wrong when our mentality is "the woman deserved it, she asked for it." that is an antiquated way of thinking and women especially shouldn't put up with it. We've worked so hard for equality. Plus, why would anyone want to raise a baby when she was raped? A horrible thing to ask a woman to do. AND if she was in it for the money she'd have had the baby and gotten child support for the next 18 years.

  • Brandon - 13 years ago

    Whether or not he did it, they needed to prove beyond a resonable doubt that he was guilty. And with her reputation being labeled as a party girl, she obviously surrounded herself with the wrong people and if they were both drunk, no one knows what could have happened. With her living that kind of lifestyle, 10 drinks to get a buzz, she set herself up for failure. But thanks to her, Mr. Cox's career and reputation has been ruined.

  • Brandon - 13 years ago

    Whether or not he did it, they needed to prove beyond a resonable doubt that he was guilty. And with her reputation being labeled as a party girl, she obviously surrounded herself with the wrong people and if they were both drunk, no one knows what could have happened. With her living that kind of lifestyle, 10 drinks to get a buzz, she set herself up for failure. But thanks to her, Mr. Cox's career and reputation has been ruined.

  • Amy - 13 years ago

    I'm glad Cox was acquitted. There's something sneaky and skanky about that accuser. Plus she murdered his baby, which is offensive to me. I have no sympathy for her.

  • Jill - 13 years ago

    It's upsetting to see athletes getting away with rape. This man is obviously a liar, he proved that when he said he didn't have sex with her. Pig.

  • Gil - 13 years ago

    I have it, on pretty good authority that the woman was the team hoe. It's sad that this woman was able to derail Cox's life because he refused to PAY her to go away! there were plenty of people who knew this was all a false claim. How bad do I feel for her? NOT A BIT!!!

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