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Is enough being done to address hunger in Guam? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 91

  • john - 9 years ago

    I highly suspect there are many going hungry as The US Government is doing more than its fare share of US tax payers dollars in WELFARE, FOOD STAMP, WIC and free school meals for Guam. What is GovGuam doing for its supposed hungry Guam residents?

  • Brian - 9 years ago

    Hunger? How can anyone on Guam go hungry? Look at all the obese people with diabetes, heart attacks, and strokes? They eat themselves silly with as much processed, fatty, sugary and gluten filled food as possible. Their simple rosaries, wakes, and funerals seem to contribute as much to the dying as the dead. Is it any wonder that the costs of the funerals are astronomical because of the food to feed the masses who come? Most if not all the diseases they're dying of not just here on Guam, but most of Micronesia, and with the indigenous American Indians is because they are so gullible and sold on subsidies that kill them. Democrats, socialists, as well as Capitalists or republicans, love how dumb and enslaved they are easily bought into all of it.

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