Do you think the Delaware Legislature should've apologized for slavery?


  • Victor - 8 years ago

    My family came over here from Italy in 1901. We came here long after slavery had been done with. We didn't own slaves, and were a normal Italian family trying to make a home in a new country.

    My story is very similar to a large population of Delaware. There is no need to apologize for something many of us didn't take part in ancestrally. Not to mention the fact that NONE of us in thee state have owned slaves. Anyone here got a friend or parent that's got a slave? Well that's probably some kinky shit now' days.

    By making an apology, you're just bringing up old issues to people who didn't take part in those issues.

  • Cathi - 8 years ago


  • Cathi - 8 years ago

    Lorraine, SAID IT ALL !!!
    In fact, all The Above Told The Real Truth !

  • John - 8 years ago

    This just goes to show how low Jack Makell will stoop to get public approval and votes. His buddy Matt Senn is just as bad. They spent thousands upon thousands to prosecute a cop that a jury didn't indict and was exonerated at trial. I personally feel the cop was wrong but the grand jury did their job and chose not to prosecute. Now Denn wants to take bank lawsuit money and dump into low income communities who were the "hardest hit" by the housing crisis, I'm guarantee not a single mortgage broker put gun to anyone's head and forced them to buy a home they know they couldn't afford. Now Bernie Sanders goes to lunch with the biggest piece of sh#* of all time Al Sharpton who owes millions in taxes and has made his living extorting hard working innocent people. These politicians are such losers and I seriously doubt they would have made it far in life if they couldn't suck the milk of the taxpayer. Slavery was a horrible thing. The ways Hispanics and Jews were treated was horrible. Why can't these politicians draw a line in the sand and tell people that the only way to heal is to live right and treat your fellow man and yourself and your race with respect.

  • Todd - 8 years ago

    So, Some states like Delaware apologized for the past. Now what, A reparations checks to pay for the past? This country is more divided than ever and if these divisions aren't repaired bad things are to follow. We see the bad growing daily.

  • Griefman - 8 years ago

    Everyone wants an apology for something happened way back when.
    Slavery still exists today and if you buy a shoes from Nike, crab or fish products from certain countries in Asia, or if you buy IPhones, you are supporting the slave industry now.
    I want to hear an apology from all of you slaver enablers.

  • Joe Hammond - 8 years ago

    Your. Governor is a complete pandering idiot!

  • Sean - 8 years ago

    Slavery has touched every human being on every continent in this world. We should all remember that slavery was never isolated to one race. We should stop focusing on the past, remember it, learn from it and start healing the divisions between all races.

  • GabbyGirl - 8 years ago

    Will we hear any "thank you's" for all the white people who fought and died to end slavery? All those bloody battles....not an ounce of gratitude.....Double standards!!!

  • Lorraine - 8 years ago

    I am a white woman who is married to a black man and we have to children. I have debated this topic with black americans as well as white americans. I respect everyone's opinion, I said respected but not agreed with. I think Gov Jack Markell is absolutely ridiculous to sign a letter of apology for slavery. I have never owned a slave my father never did either did my grandfather or my great grandfather or even my great great grandfather. There also have been no slaves for many generations. When I have a discussion with a black person and they are getting really upset because there people were slaves I ask them what was there name. Who in your family of ancestors was a slave of course they are completely dumbfounded because they don't know, they assume because they are black somewhere along the line someone in there family was a slave and they think that gives them the right to feel injustice, well you know what they say when you assume things. When Gov. J Markell said "we should never forget the egregious sin of slavery" he was completely right, but to apologize for something that no one in the last 150 + years had any participation in is obsurd. I believe with the signing of this apology it will only continue to allow the black race to blame the white folks for there short comings. I mean every job a black person didn't get was because of the white man, for every loan a black person didn't get was because of the white man, every promotion that a black person didn't get was because of the white man. I believe this apology will only continue to give the black race cause to continue to blame the white man for every wrong doing in there life. Why can't we have the white college fund, the white million man march would cause riots, how about white history month, how about a white pride parade, or a white Ms american pageant. We don't have equality in America because of this example right here starting with this apology, another reason things are not equal is because the black man/woman don't want things equal because they would have to look at themselves when things didn't go right instead of teaching there children that the white man held them back, the white man wouldn't let them get ahead I guess it is always easier to blame someone else for our reasons for failure instead of owning up to the fact that maybe you just weren't the best person for the job or for the promotion etc...I really get a laugh out of all this after all it was there own black people who captured them and held then and sold them and put them on the boats to come to our country to be sold into slavery. Soooo when will the black man apologize to the black man for selling them into slavery, There would be no slaves to own if the black man never sold them to begin with.

  • Denise Davis - 8 years ago

    You can't take back what's been done to the Innocent African Men, Women,&children who were kidnapped Raped,&Murdered. I know for a fact that there's good & bad people in the world .I'm a Black Woman ,&I have many Black friends ,white ,Asian&Spanish friends.I have 2 best friends One Black one White.I love them both we've been close friends over 20years.What good is an apology at this time.It won't change what happened. Now I'm more for an apology for Jim Crow laws that lasted into the 60's.I honestly think it is an empty apology.Its to little, to late.How about we just start to treat one another with, Love, kindness, & Respect. I taught my children when you do or say something so terrible that you feel you should apologize, if saying I'm sorry won't fix it,then the damage can't be repaired. What I'd Love to see is all my brothers &sisters come together as the Human Race. Black,White , color shouldn't matter.I'm sure this is what God would want.

  • Lance - 8 years ago

    There are a lot of reasons why this is a crock. No one in this Era had or have any slaves in America. My ancestors didn't own any. Plus there were a lot of blacks that owned slaves. You can NOT apologize for something you have Not done. Only for the things you do. Black people don't care about this in Delaware because it won't do nothing. The only things blacks want, or most. They want equality. This was happening until they seen Obama come in office and started to divide us. Some blacks have seen this and don't like him for what he is doing. At least the smart ones do. I have a lot of black friends I've dated black women and I love them. I had a best black friend in the military in basic training. So nobody can turn around and say I'm racist and I'm not talking for them but I've talked to a lot of black people and they agreed with me they gave me their point of views about this situation. So, to me this is a crappy white man situation that's only going to worse. It gives everyone to play right into Obama’s hands to ruin America. We can only go forward to make things better for ALL Americans, real Americans. But if you learn from history instead of taking it away in schools then the young people can have a sense in where America has come. If we continue to go backwards we will Never get to the finish line.

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