I donate them to a local organization that has a workshop which trains under privileged in various skills. One of which is restoring/building donated furniture, which then gets distributed to families in need.
Bill Kennedy - 13 years ago
I cut out the articles, tips, and most everything but the ads. I place them in folders by category and into a 4 drawer filing cabinet. If I want to make something, I can usually find a suitable plan or one I can modify to suit my need. Often, a fellow woodworker has asked if I have a plan for an item and I can usually find one in my file. I have a lot of plans I'll never use but maybe someone else can use them.
Bill Murphy - 13 years ago
I put a short advertisement for our woodworking guild on the front, then leave them at a doctor's office, or somewhere else with a waiting room, for someone to read and hopefully stimulate interest in the guild.
Bill Murphy - 13 years ago
I put a short advertisement for our woodworking guild on the front, then leave them at a doctor's office, or somewhere else with a waiting room, for someone to read and hopefully stimulate interest in the guild.
Bill Murphy - 13 years ago
I put a short advertisement for our woodworking guild on the front, then leave them at a doctor's office, or somewhere else with a waiting room, for someone to read and hopefully stimulate interest in the guild.
p brien - 13 years ago
reread them to see if anything was missed, they are always good information
I donate them to a local organization that has a workshop which trains under privileged in various skills. One of which is restoring/building donated furniture, which then gets distributed to families in need.
I cut out the articles, tips, and most everything but the ads. I place them in folders by category and into a 4 drawer filing cabinet. If I want to make something, I can usually find a suitable plan or one I can modify to suit my need. Often, a fellow woodworker has asked if I have a plan for an item and I can usually find one in my file. I have a lot of plans I'll never use but maybe someone else can use them.
I put a short advertisement for our woodworking guild on the front, then leave them at a doctor's office, or somewhere else with a waiting room, for someone to read and hopefully stimulate interest in the guild.
I put a short advertisement for our woodworking guild on the front, then leave them at a doctor's office, or somewhere else with a waiting room, for someone to read and hopefully stimulate interest in the guild.
I put a short advertisement for our woodworking guild on the front, then leave them at a doctor's office, or somewhere else with a waiting room, for someone to read and hopefully stimulate interest in the guild.
reread them to see if anything was missed, they are always good information