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What's your reaction to the Death of Dale?


  • Skegeeace - 12 years ago

    I liked Dale's character as a foil to Shane and a (wannabe) father figure to Andrea, but I think they kind of dropped the ball on his development. I was sad to see his character go especially so soon since he was probably the least self-centered and least morally ambivalent/wishy-washy character. I could appreciate the fact that he wasn't compromised or easily swayed in his convictions and managing to remain so without the dogmatic bull-headedness that characterized Shane's attitude of "survival at all costs".

    To the idea that the show has so far departed from the graphic novel it's unrecognizable and therefore unworthy to be thought of as legit, I disagree. This isn't Lord of the Rings where there's a set ending point to the story and therefore you can have a simple A to B screen adaptation that goes right along with the books. This is a series meant to be open-ended presumably so the show can continue on longer than the books if it's popular enough. It happens all the time. Plus, for those viewers who haven't read the graphic novels, it doesn't feel any less authentic or exciting (which I'm thinking is most viewers?). I'm enjoying myself!

  • barbara - 12 years ago

    The one to kill was Laurie.

  • Seth - 12 years ago


  • Dpad - 12 years ago

    Why even call it the walking dead and have characters from the graphic novel at this point?

  • Falkner - 12 years ago

    I'm not so much disappointed or outraged by Dale's death as I am about how clumsily he was handled as a character. There was so much potential for him based off the comic interpretation and you could see a hint of that in his watch speech around the fire in season 1. Dale's clinging to morality, civility, law and order were far less annoying than Carol's uselessness, Lori's self-righteous idiocy, Shane's over the top machismo and Andrea's 2-dimensional immaturity. The show-runners squandered a potentially interesting character whilst leaving so many non-entities like T-Dog (really?), Carol and the majority of Herschel's family.

  • JonErik - 12 years ago

    Sorry to see Dale go. He seemed to be the one keeping the group "sane". But I guess in a world of zombies, sanity is a bit ridiculous. Never have liked how Andrea turned on Dale after the CDC episode.

  • hey - 12 years ago

    im so glad they killed him off. most annoying character on the show.

  • Yickett - 12 years ago

    Had no problem killing off Dale, but how the hell does a walker sneak up on him in an open field. It's not like Dale was staring at the cow for 10 minutes. About as silly as when that walker quietly hung out in the pharmacy before sneak attacking Maggie after her and Glen had a fairly long conversation. I swear, they are making the walkers smarter than the humans. It is getting on my nerves.

  • Eric H - 12 years ago

    I know they will NEVER do this, but I really would like to see Lori go away...I find her to be the most annoying and worthless character in the show (Carl is a close 2nd with his rash of silly choices that have no clear motivations). We have a joke around the house when one of us are staring off into space we call it "Loring"...

  • kim - 12 years ago

    The last choice is pretty ridiculous, since not everyone reads comic books. :P

  • vicki york - 12 years ago

    my husband & i always goes over our friend & watch walking dead every time it comes on .

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