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Should we provide any military support to those in Syria opposing the Syrian government?

Total Votes: 3,741

  • Sara - 12 years ago

    When will the USA begin to demand Syria's wealthy, armed to the teeth neighboring states intervene in human rights violations
    Iike this. Those states offer words only while they point fingers at the USA and bankrupt the country. If they spend 1/10 of their time fixing Syria that they do opposing Israel the conflict in Syria would be over!

  • Joe - 12 years ago

    We should not get involved directly....but to totally turn our backs on the brave people that are standing up to Assad the Butcher is shameful. And I am talking not just about the U.S. but about the entire world. Where are France, Spain, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Brazil (they never help). At a minimum, we could be sending them small arms, food, etc.

  • ERichardson - 12 years ago

    We The People should not support anything the Usurper in Chief or Campaigner in Chief is doing that puts our military in jepordy, We The People should do all we can to remove him for Treason & Tryanny against our country. 6 states & counting are going to have a state law Eligibilty Requirement on 2012 ballot, since the Supreme Court will not allow any cases to be heard on Barry Soetoro's Eligibility Requirement & British/Indonesia Citizenship, our military should not have to salute or take orders from a radical muslim usurper. Isreal is at risk of Iran, WH denial of Iran, WH denial of Syria, WH denial of burning of Koran/Quran of which Barry speaks ,reads & writes Arabic perfectly. How do you like United States Transformation so far? For the 1st time in Michelle Soetoro's life she is proud of her country 2008. Even thou her husband was adopted by an Indonesia step-father in 1994 Jakarta, Indonesia, their is no shame in being adopted by a stepfather. All dirt has been thrown in my husbands face, and yet he loves this country. My husband & I know that there is no law that will stop him from becoming the president, just because there are some white racisits are bringing up the issue of my husbands adoption by his stepfather.The important issue is where my husbands heart is at the moment. I can tell the American people that my husbands adoption has never changed his love for this country, he was born in Hawaii, yes, and that gives him all the right to be an American citizen, even thou he was adopted by a foreigner. Posted Oct 14, 2008 & For the First time in her adult life she is proud of her country. World Net DailyAPI Chief EditorKorikr. Neither of the Soetoros are lacking in arrogance. Michelle Soettoro is wrong their is a law that can stop him from being president, "Its called Constitutional Eligibility Requirement & it will be Required on 2012 ballot, 4 yrs late Racists, Birthers, Bigots, Barry Soetoro aka Barry Durham aka Barry Obama aka Barack Hussein Obama & the Truth will set us Free. President Mit Romney will strengthen our country, Patriotism-Secure our Future, Stand up for Isreal, Protect our Liberty & Save our Constitution & all Founding Documents. Africa/Indonesia =Dual Citizenship USA Needs to be Fumigated WH-Oval-Congress-Senate- For Life-Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness for all Americans"Remove the #1 Illegal 1961 to 2012 in Our USA. Put the Famious Teleprompter where the sun dosen't shine 2012!

  • Judyann J - 12 years ago


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