Fake American Quran Author Exposed - In Prison for Arson


  • Auntie Semite - 5 years ago

    Now both shorosh and bush are being punished in their wretched graves awaiting Judgment Day and eternal Hellfire insha'Allah

  • abdul majid - 13 years ago

    QUR'AN THE ultimate message of ALLAH states that duplication will summarize a context which will convey messages irrelevant to what Qur'an conveys. i feel hurt that in prison today is rotting a person who has been instrumental, the actual culprit should be george bush himself, he has been the one who has slandered Islam. he has terrorized the Islamic world by using his office and abused official machinery and thereby put the lives of in numerous americans life in danger and dragged them to poverty. when the american law makers are made to break the law should they also not be subject to the rightful punishments, israel should also know the day when havoc strikes them for their misdeeds the shall burn and see their children burn innocents will be at stake. is it not time for the fake to be exposed is it not high time when the jews shall as savages feed upon the meat of their own moral level is starting to go below the levels of tolerance. rise and look ahead where the greed of these vultures is dragging them. ALLAH HAVE MERCY UPON THEM.

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