TBCN BOM Nonfiction


  • Lori - 13 years ago

    I have not read the book my Mary Beth Chapman, but I read an article about the tragic death of one of their children and how difficult that was for the whole family, but the article was written beautifully and was very touching. I am certain that the book is just as good and I hope to one day read it.

  • Deborah Leathers - 13 years ago

    I have read both books "Choosing to See" by Mary Beth Chapman, and "Heaven is For Real" by Todd Burpo. I wanted to say that "Choosing to See" was so well written, it was honest and touched me so deep in my soul. I agree with Audrey, as it being a "parent's worst nightmare multiplied by 1000 times". I cried several times through out the book, but it was also a book that inspired me and gave me hope in the midst of a very dark and hopeless situation. It makes you realize again that our children really are not our own forever, they belong to God. He is the one who decides how long we get to enjoy them, to nurture and love on them. I know in our minds we feel as parents that the natural order of things is that we should die before our children, but God is the one who has the plan for every single one of our lives and that is all that really all that matters-what His plan is. I was inspired by the fact that Mary Beth and Steven could get to the point of letting go and letting God.
    The book "Heaven is For Real" was AMAZING! I was left speechless! I am so excited by what Heaven is going to be like. I know God used that little boy and his innocent faith to share such an incredible story. I have no doubt that what he shared was truth of what is to come. I have recommended the book to so many of my family and friends-it is a definite MUST READ!

  • Audrey Grant - 13 years ago

    Of all the non-fiction books I have read in the last two years, this book by Mary Beth Chapman, grabbed me in a way no other book has done! This is every parent's nightmare multiplied by 1,000's of times. To loose one of your children, but to have it be an accident at the hand of one of you other children with another watching....her story of how their family wrapped around each other to heal. Broke and healed my heart at the same time. I will never be the same. Such honesty she poured out on the pages of the book. Truly amazing!!

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