Went to a show in Anaheim, CA. I always wanted a good vacuum $900 later I was the proud owner of a SECO UFO-102B as good an investment that I ever made. And, lots of cool miscellaneous clamps, bits and stuff you cant get by without.
Terry Pallone - 13 years ago
I now refuse to pay money and to park to be able to enter a store and purchase a product.
I pay nothing or to enter or park when I go to Home depot , Lowe's or any tool store and
can go home think about it , shop around and go back another day to purchase it.
If not satisfied I can return in a week and get my money back on the product.
Mike T - 13 years ago
Always looking for a deal at these shows, but there ususally isn't any. Most of the stuff is the add-ons and fad stuff; not the high quality tools(just my oinion).
George Laurange - 13 years ago
Wish there were more in central ny we have large woodworking clubs
Went to a show in Anaheim, CA. I always wanted a good vacuum $900 later I was the proud owner of a SECO UFO-102B as good an investment that I ever made. And, lots of cool miscellaneous clamps, bits and stuff you cant get by without.
I now refuse to pay money and to park to be able to enter a store and purchase a product.
I pay nothing or to enter or park when I go to Home depot , Lowe's or any tool store and
can go home think about it , shop around and go back another day to purchase it.
If not satisfied I can return in a week and get my money back on the product.
Always looking for a deal at these shows, but there ususally isn't any. Most of the stuff is the add-ons and fad stuff; not the high quality tools(just my oinion).
Wish there were more in central ny we have large woodworking clubs