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Should George Zimmerman Be Arrested For The Killing Of Trayvon Martin?

Total Votes: 399
1 Comment

  • mama - 12 years ago

    This is more of a human rights issue to me more than a racial issue. I walk pass suspicious looking ppl everyday, and I would never consider a 17 yr old with a bag of skittles and an ice tea a threat. Unless Zimmerman actually saw the teen pull out a gun or any kind of weapon, I would say he acted in self-defense but he didn't! Trayvon didn't even say one word to him! He followed the boy AFTER 911 told him not to. What was on Zimmerman's side was the fact his gun was registered. If the gun wasn't it would be a good chance he would have been in jail, but this killing is still not justified. he killed this CHILD based off looking suspicious, and I'm wondering where in the law books it say we can kill ppl if they look suspicious. He did right calling 911, but then he decided to take matters in his own hands. Zimmerman is not the police! I think he IS a racist. I don't care if he does have a degree in Criminal Justice! Hell, I do too and never once will I consider killing someone for looking suspicious. I think Zimmerman was looking for a scapegoat and unfortunately Trayvon had to be the goat. The Florida police is a disgrace! They didn't even arrest Zimmerman because they feel they don't have proof. I'm sorry, but that's the job of the prosecutor! I hope to see Zimmerman prosecuted and imprisoned to never be free again! Zimmerman never once apologized to the family! If anyone has a concious, how can you take a child's life and not feel anything!? After hearing the 911 tape, I can tell Zimmerman was not playing with a full deck. If you want to sign the petition, go to and sign the petition. I was to see justice for his family and Trayvon.

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