Now that the Broncos have landed Peyton Manning, will you be disappointed to see Tim Tebow go?


  • Pim - 13 years ago

    I think the broncos would be stupid to let Tebow go. What if Manning got injured again early in the season, the first game? Who would start then? I'd like to see Tebow stick around and learn from Manning.

  • Carissa - 13 years ago

    Im disappointed that we would sign manning when he has a neck Injury and is close to retirement. I am a RT and a bone specialist, reinjury is very expected!! We need a better offense to protect him. He wont be as fast to react. Everyone will see, he will hurt his neck again give it some time. We are wasting a great QB TIBOW! TIBOW is new, he needs time to gain experience!! He has great potential we need to keep giving him the oppoturnity to get to where he needs! WE could be a super bowl winning team again! Stop loosing our great players!!!!!!!!!!

  • Rudy - 13 years ago

    Great Manning is here! Now we have a Quarterback . Not a Timmy Turn Over. I respect Tebow for what does for his Foundation. But he is not a NFL Quarterback. If you look at the teams he beat, they did not have there best player playing, because they were injured. Now Tebow knows how Kyle Orton, felt when he was replaced by Tebow. Tebow will never even match Orton's passing Stats, much less Manning's Stats. I am glad he is gone. Bronco fans Tebow mania is over.

  • Rudy - 13 years ago

    Great Manning is here! Now we have a Quarterback . Not a Timmy Turn Over. I respect Tebow for what does for his Foundation. But he is not a NFL Quarterback. If you look at the teams he beat, they did not have there best player playing, because they were. Now Tebow knows how Kyle Orton, felt when he was replaced by Tebow. Tebow will never even match Orton's passing Stats, much less Manning's Stats. I am glad he is gone. Bronco fans Tebow mania is over.

  • Dennis the Menace - 13 years ago

    Timmy Tebow's success is off the field, just as much as it is on the field. He is a class act like Manning by the way. I think he is mature enough to know this is a business. Im not sure Elway invests for the longterm, I remember him losing millions a year ago in a ponzie scheme. If this was done for Pat Bowlens health, to get to a Superbowl, I dont know if that will happen. Hey Jesus Christ, dont forget that John the baptist made quite a name for himself as well, and yes he was beheaded and decreased so you could increase. But you know this already.....

  • KC - 13 years ago

    Tim Tebow brought excitement to the Broncos last season and I think it is wrong if they trade him. Let him stay on and learn. Tim is good young man with a lot of potential. Come on Bronco's KEEP TIM TEBOW!

  • Paula - 13 years ago

    Dear "Son of God"- don't you have other issues to deal with like wildfires, bombings, and world hunger. Couldn't you find a better way to spend your time.

  • Paula - 13 years ago

    I think Tebow should stay and get some needed experience. Let's face it, Manning is not going to last forever and when he gets hurt we are going to be in a worse position. Tebow just needs some time. John Elway needs to remember that he didn't always produce in every game either.

  • steve - 13 years ago

    Broncos suck! Tebow added excitement and energy.

  • steve - 13 years ago

    Broncos suck! Tebow added excitement and energy.

  • James - 13 years ago

    I think Denver Broncos did the right thing-by getting an elite QB.Manning is
    One of the best-now they have to go into Free Agency & Draft & build an
    Offense-get a couple of receivers & TE-& become more of a passing team-
    Like Green Bay-New England-New Orleans-that rack up tons of points & put
    Most of the teams away by half time!! & increase the pass protection by getting a couple guards & tackles!! I think the Bronco Fans-would like a team
    That could average 30pts a game!!! & Manning is one of five QB's in the NFL that can do that!! & that's a statistical fact!!!

  • Ted - 13 years ago

    I am from Indiana, and have been a Colts fan for twenty years. I loved watching Payton growing from where he came from to his Super Bwol wins. But you need to look at the long term. He may have 3 good years left. Keep Tim and let him learn from one of the greatest. What is going to happen when Payton goes down and we are left with nothing.

  • Jesus Christ - 13 years ago

    This is the son of God...and I say that Tebow's time has come. My father and I think thy Tebowmania is over and women need to be obessed with another so called "good-looking" man must move on to another mountian, my children. Just like the time when all the women were obessed with Cristiano Ronaldo moved on. Thy will open the gate for a new mania, plus I will guide Manning and in time people will forget Tebow in about a week.

  • TEBOW SUCKS - 13 years ago

    again you idiot tebow fans know nothing, Tebow plays a college style offence that can do little to nothing in the NFL, and how can you be concerned about a back up...brady quinn is the back up.....any true bronco/football fan knows that you cant win a super bowl with tebow, that is why you play the game, and watch the game. I wish you people actually know what you were talking about, When a guy has no trade value, that means he sucks and no one wants him!!!!!! Peyton is a true QB...All you Tebow fans should just go back to Florida, where the fans are a joke just like tebow

  • andrew - 13 years ago

    Give him a shot under peyton. And think of all the money he brought for just his jesey sells who they gonna get to back up peyton manning just a thought.

  • TEBOW SUCKS - 13 years ago

    and for all you bronco fans that say you wont be a fan anymore if tebow goes...good, cause you dont know anything about football, or about being a fan, every tebow fan is a joke just like tebow, i will be so glad to see you all go.....again..........WELCOME PEYTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • TEBOW SUCKS - 13 years ago

    Tim Tebow is a joke and the worst QB i have ever seen try to throw a football, THANK GOD he is gone...........Welcome Peyton Manning!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Scott Lentz - 13 years ago

    the broncos would be stupid to trade away Tebow. He has 2 yrs left on his rookie contract and is getting paid next to nothing. We wouldn't even be able to pick up a decent backup for what we pay him let alone a clutch proven game changer like Tim. I say keep him and let him study and work out with 2 of the best that have ever played and one day the broncos will have a franchise QB in Tebow.

  • Marie - 13 years ago

    While I will cheer for Peyton if he becomes a Bronco, my loyalties as a fan will always be with Tim Tebow. If Tebow is traded, I will never forgive John Elway. In this fan's eyes, Elway will go down in history as having sold his integrity for fame. I will only be a Bronco's fan as long as Peyton remains, but once he goes, I'll find another team to cheer - a Tim Tebow team.

  • * - 13 years ago

    I started watching football last year...Tebow made it exciting. Now football is going to be that once boring sport that guys just watch...just a reason to have a beer.

  • will - 13 years ago

    about time he is not a starting QB

  • patrick cipolla - 13 years ago

    Dan Reeves should have given up on Elway after his 1st year. What a slap in the face by Elway to Tebow---all year. I wouldn't want to work for a boss like Elway. After 35 years going to the games and rooting for the Broncos.... I am done with them.

  • phyllis - 13 years ago


  • Troy - 13 years ago

    I agree Tebow has a lot of potential with the Broncos. If we let him go now it would been a waste of the past 2 to 3 years. Let him stay and learn as a 2nd string QB or maybe even change his role to fullback. Manning or no Manning, Tebow is an exciting player with a strong presence on the field, and has brought a lot of down Bronco fans Back to their feet!!

  • Loretta - 13 years ago

    I agree with Deborah. Tebow is such an exciting player and wonderful role model. Lets give him the opportunity to learn. It would be terribly disappointing to see him traded.

  • Deborah - 13 years ago

    I think it would be incredibly short-sighted of the Broncos to let Tebow go. He has amazing potential, is a great draw, a great role-model, and is young. He would now have the opportunity to learn from 2 of the greats (in Elway and Manning). His role now and in the future for the Broncos would be amazing! Keep Tebow and bring him along!!!! The fans are speaking loud and clear. Hope the Broncos will listen!

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