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Do you agree with the province's 2012-13 budget? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 406
1 Comment

  • Norm Bolen - 12 years ago

    I am the president and CEO of the Canadian Media Production Association and Saskatchewan born and bred. I was in the meeting with Premier Wall yesterday. The government's decision to stand firm on the elimination of the tax incentive will inevitably lead to the total destruction of the film and television production industry in Saskatchewan. That will mean the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars of investment and the loss of thousands of jobs. Film and television productions are highly mobile and go to jurisdictions that are competitive. By removing itself from this competitive system the Saskatchewan government is choosing to lose its piece of the growing national and international production pie. How can Saskatchewan hope to be a player in the digital world when it abandons its domestic creative and production talent by failing to maintain its modest investment in incentives? How can the government willfully abandon the interests of hundreds of small local enterprises that depend on the film and television industry for customers? This is extremely short-sighted thinking that makes no economic sense.

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