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Which DE Do You Use? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 2,191

  • Nekhelesh - 12 years ago

    It is interesting to see how close Unity and Gnome Shell are throughtout the duration of this poll. If only Gnome-Shell and Unity and initially combined forces ...

  • Phil Zeo - 12 years ago

    I use Unity on Ubuntu, Gnome 3 on Fedora and Mint, but I've also used Cinnamon DE on Mint, due to the gorgeous simplicity and themability of it by default. I often use KDE, like on Mandriva or Fedora when I want to impress people with the Windows-like interface and eye-candy, which makes them want to use Linux. :) Unfortunately, I don't think there was a choice for that XD So I voted for Unity, since it's my main choice on my laptop.

  • William Peckham - 12 years ago

    This poll should have about 32 choices. Why is Fluxbox ( my personal favorite) missing?
    What about all of those using Gnome_2?
    Why have we left off blackbox, fvmw, windowmaker, and all the rest of the 'better' desktops and managers?

  • BeSlayed - 12 years ago

    Enlightenment. Which should really be a poll option.

  • TheBootroo - 12 years ago

    For my part, i love Qt/C++, but KDE is too much for me, so I use Razor-Qt since 4 months and its very cool to use !

  • Hunkah - 12 years ago

    I used Gnome 2 until Cinnamon came out, now I use that exclusively. I'm not sure why either one of these we're in the list.

  • Paleoflatus - 12 years ago

    I've used KDE since the original release of Mandrake made Linux a viable alternative to Windows and OS/2. I've looked at the religion-based GNOME from time to time, but it's never stacked up in terms of usability and configurability for me.
    In view of the popularity and obvious superiority of KDE, I often wonder why GNOME is featured so prominently in internet postings. This discrepancy suggests some money-based distortion.

  • Bill - 12 years ago

    I bet a lot of people moved to KDE when Gnome announced shell 3 and Ubuntu started using Unity... Like me.

  • darkduck - 12 years ago

    In order of preference: KDE on Mageia (this was my vote), XFCE on Xubuntu and GNOME2 on Debian.

  • tracyanne - 12 years ago

    The survey allows only one choice, which is unfortunate, I use KDE on my main computer, XFCE on 2 of my netbooks, and GNOME2 on another.

  • Scott - 12 years ago

    I really, really enjoy using Lubuntu (on it now) and surprised to see it accounts for such a small percentage in the poll.

  • Tom Wilding - 12 years ago

    What about cinnamon
    I use it and love it

  • Scott Fulford - 12 years ago

    Wish that GNOME 3 was available for Mageia, but alas, I must wait until Mageia2 is released. Otherwise, I would have selected GNOME3 shell. Great to see polls! Especially when they are linux related.

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