When do you promote elementary kids to the next grade?


  • Brenda Gordon - 12 years ago

    We promote kids the first Sunday in July into the grade they will be in come August. 0-3 in nursery, Pre-K-Kindergarten- 1-3 grades and 4-6 grades. 7-12 is youth. That works well for us. Wed. night we have0-2 nursery 3-K, 1-4 Kids Zone, 5-6 Team 56, and the youth Souled Out is 7-12. I love reading all your ideas, thanks Brenda

  • Dale - 13 years ago

    Thanks for sharing Jean. Good stuff. Blessings. Dale

  • Jean Smiley - 13 years ago

    We graduate 5th graders from our Sunday morning elementary children's church program the first Sunday in June. These 5th graders are still welcome to join us on Sundays throughout the summer. We have a smaller scale children's church 2 times a month throughout the summer which gives kids the opportunity to be in family worship. The 5th graders usually need this transition time into adult worship time. We have one Sunday service.
    All children nursery through 5th grade then make the move to the next level in September. This also coincides with our Wednesday night program.

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