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Do Asian Flavors Belong on Pizza?

Total Votes: 593

  • Jay - 13 years ago

    At our pizzeria we make an asian inspired pizza with hoisen sauce as the base with scallions, chicken and a garlic/ginger oil and mozz. customers love it. as well as one with garlic sausage and kimchie..

  • Lord Ryu - 13 years ago

    If you don't like it, then don't order it. I know people that hate Marinara sauce and tomato paste so they don't eat pizza, or order it without. This would be a great way to change it up a bit. The Italians didn't put chicken or pine apple on pizza, Americans did. The world is changing my friends, and DEFINITELY for the better. It's like asking if it's alright to put cheese on broccoli, when a lot of people wouldn't think twice and just do it.

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