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Do you agree with a wage freeze for Ontario's public sector, including teachers?

Total Votes: 1,525

  • Dawn - 12 years ago

    Is not a big deal for the Public Sector workers; they all make huge wages anyways & now they are complaining about their wages being frozen for 2 years; give me a break; what a big SACRIFICE they are making; boo hoo hoo!!! It was always cut cut cut in the private sector & now the public sector has to take their turn; & they are whining; PLEASE!!!!! Try losing your job & being unemployed for a couple years & trying to find employment with 3 years of post secondary education to boot. I agree; these MPP's & MP's should have a reduction in their salaries & pensions. Non of you public sector people care about anyone but yourselfs. They should do away with all the public sector pensions & you people should have to look after yourselfs with regards to putting away money for after retirement just like all the other private sector people do. We never got 100% topups for a pension plan every month thru the OMAR Pension Plan!!!! Welcome to the real world!!!!

  • KevJ - 12 years ago

    A public sector worker myself, I don't object to a wage freeze as long as the pain is spread equitably. I think it is shameful to freeze public assistance rates while refusing to close tax loopholes for the wealthy.

  • Nobody - 12 years ago

    It's interesting how the Conservative's are so eager to bash the budget plan.
    The only thing they can do better is to cut their own wage until the books are balanced.
    How's that for an idea? Do they really need all the money they get paid? They don't deserve anywhere near half of it! Unless they consider cutting their own pay, they should keep silent.

  • Nobody - 12 years ago

    It's interesting how the Conservative's are so eager to bash the budget plan.
    The only thing they can do better is to cut their own wage until the books are balanced.
    How's that for an idea? Do they really need all the money they get paid? They don't deserve anywhere near half of it! Unless they consider cutting their own pay, they should keep silent.

  • gelatinousjesus - 12 years ago

    The government should also stop paying performance bonuses to senior executives in the public sector. Freezing their wages is not enough because for the last two years they have made up these losses through these high amount bonuses. Check out the Liberal plan and discover this truth!

  • Double D - 12 years ago

    the MP's forgot to reduce their pensions, and how much the tax payers are contributing to them, the tax payers are contributing to something most can't afford for themselves!

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