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Vote! Do you think Bethenny and Jason's marriage will survive?


  • Judy Blye - 12 years ago

    First of al I love both Bethenny and Jason, but it has been so uncomfortable watching them be mean to each other. I do believe that Jason is the half of the success that Bethenny has and if she would have treated it that way it might be better for their marriage. She may have worked hard all her life to create something for herself but just as Bravo made it happen Jason made it happen. I remember as a loyal viewer of Housewives N.Y. that when we the audience first sees the grand logo of Skinny Girl launching it was the episode in the Hamptons and Bethenny was meeting LuAnn for a drink with Jason waiting out in the Skinny Girl VW . They audience followed and our love grew for Bethenny as her pregnancy and her love grew for Jason. Jason has been half of her brand from the beginning, so to put Jason in the position of working for her I am sure hurt his manhood. Why did she do that? Last year when the brand was growing and they visited the factory and Jason was involved with distribution they seemed more like partners now she won't even give him a lossy computer without strings attached. I am not saying Jason is a angel by any means, I honestly don't think I would be able to handle emotionally some of the words that he uses. They are too mean spirited. "you're damaged, no one will ever want you" these are words that should never be uttered, EVER! I think there is a possible problem with drinking, more on Bethenny side, but maybe both. Alcohol is a problem, while it made them a fortune they might be drinking away their happiness. People get mean when they drink and say things that shouldn't be said. My Mom always told me be careful what you say, you can't take words away. She would say to me you could destroy his manhood. I like Bethenny was very successful and we were older when we married,my success came at the same time. I resented him when he wasn't working and I was putting on nylons everyday in Hawaiin hitting the pavement selling tv advertising to local businesses. When he was working I was better, I finally said I got lucky to get into a field that rewards your hard work so well with big commission checks about $ 100 grand a year, his field doesn't pay that well, accounting. Then we both started investing in real estate and we were a team, but he handled it and still does , we lost more than half of everything in this recession. I sometimes blame him for getting too aggressive. I too drank wine when I came home from work and it started becoming a problem. I knew it was because I needed to stop and pick up that bottle of wine after work to unwind when I got home every night , he is Mormon and doesn't drink. I saw my personality start to change and fighting going on with my husband, I was the mean one. Then everthing changed, I had an injury, nerve damage in my neck that affects the whole right side of my body. Not from drinking I think it happened at the start of menopause my bone density or something, it happened I was racking leaves off the the roof of my house while standing on the sidewalk . I have been in constant pain ever since and take hydrocodone for contsant pain only it makes me nauseous so bad. I have to be sure to eat and drink milk. I can't stand the taste of wine anymore with the medication so I was forced to quit. While the medicine had a relaxing effect in the beginning kind of like a high it no longer has that effect but it does mellow a person, but can cause kidney damage so I wish there were more options but it is better than alcohol, which causes liver damage and esophageal . But if you need alcohol you would be better off with prosaic I know it has helped a lot of people. The pain medication while helping my pain also help my panic attacks or else I just stopped having them because I am not working and can't because of the pain. If Bethenny and Jason are going to make it he has to get therapy and she has to admit that Skinny Girl success is half his and both of them need to respect each other without

  • Judy Blye - 12 years ago

    First of al I love both Bethenny and Jason, but it has been so uncomfortable watching them be mean to each other. I do believe that Jason is the half of the success that Bethenny has and if she would have treated it that way it might be better for their marriage. She may have worked hard all her life to create something for herself but just as Bravo made it happen Jason made it happen. I remember as a loyal viewer of Housewives N.Y. that when we the audience first sees the grand logo of Skinny Girl launching it was the episode in the Hamptons and Bethenny was meeting LuAnn for a drink with Jason waiting out in the Skinny Girl VW . They audience followed and our love grew for Bethenny as her pregnancy and her love grew for Jason. Jason has been half of her brand from the beginning, so to put Jason in the position of working for her I am sure hurt his manhood. Why did she do that? Last year when the brand was growing and they visited the factory and Jason was involved with distribution they seemed more like partners now she won't even give him a lossy computer without strings attached. I am not saying Jason is a angel by any means, I honestly don't think I would be able to handle emotionally some of the words that he uses. They are too mean spirited. "you're damaged, no one will ever want you" these are words that should never be uttered, EVER! I think there is a possible problem with drinking, more on Bethenny side, but maybe both. Alcohol is a problem, while it made them a fortune they might be drinking away their happiness. People get mean when they drink and say things that shouldn't be said. My Mom always told me be careful what you say, you can't take words away. She would say to me you could destroy his manhood. I like Bethenny was very successful and we were older when we married,my success came at the same time. I resented him when he wasn't working and I was putting on nylons everyday in Hawaiin hitting the pavement selling tv advertising to local businesses. When he was working I was better, I finally said I got lucky to get into a field that rewards your hard work so well with big commission checks about $ 100 grand a year, his field doesn't pay that well, accounting. Then we both started investing in real estate and we were a team, but he handled it and still does , we lost more than half of everything in this recession. I sometimes blame him for getting too aggressive. I too drank wine when I came home from work and it started becoming a problem. I knew it was because I needed to stop and pick up that bottle of wine after work to unwind when I got home every night , he is Mormon and doesn't drink. I saw my personality start to change and fighting going on with my husband, I was the mean one. Then everthing changed, I had an injury, nerve damage in my neck that affects the whole right side of my body. Not from drinking I think it happened at the start of menopause my bone density or something, it happened I was racking leaves off the the roof of my house while standing on the sidewalk . I have been in constant pain ever since and take hydrocodone for contsant pain only it makes me nauseous so bad. I have to be sure to eat and drink milk. I can't stand the taste of wine anymore with the medication so I was forced to quit. While the medicine had a relaxing effect in the beginning kind of like a high it no longer has that effect but it does mellow a person, but can cause kidney damage so I wish there were more options but it is better than alcohol, which causes liver damage and esophageal . But if you need alcohol you would be better off with prosaic I know it has helped a lot of people. The pain medication while helping my pain also help my panic attacks or else I just stopped having them because I am not working and can't because of the pain. If Bethenny and Jason are going to make it he has to get therapy and she has to admit that Skinny Girl success is half his and both of them need to respect each other without

  • mary shepherd - 12 years ago

    Betheny seems to me that she has OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder} and unless she get's med's to help her go at a slower pace ,their marriage won't last I'm afraid. Obsessive Compulsive people have a hard time keeping friends and relationships.,and they are very head strong. I really love the show,but can see what is happening with her and I hope she puts the baby and Jason "first" in her life and put's some of her bucket list on the back burner.

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