Was the government right to cut Katimavik?


  • Dia - 13 years ago

    I am so completely devasted at this shocking, shameful decision as I have been selected to be a participant in katimavik this July. As a high school student graduating this June I had planned katimavik into my future and now it's all over. I'm sure the conservatives will be losing The respect of many of Canada's youth, former and current participants and supporters of katimavik. I know they lost my respect.

  • Arynn - 13 years ago

    For ever one dollar invested into Katimavik, just over 2 dollars is given back to the communities where Katimavik is involved... thousands upon thousands of volunteer hours, and unpaid labour is freely given to non profit organizations that can't afford the extra help that these young volunteers provide. I am a katimavik alumni, I owe so much to katimavik and the experiences that katimavik gave me during my program. I have met amazing and inspiring people, explore my beautiful country. The funding cut is one of the most disappointing shameful decisions that our conservative government has done. Youth will no longer have an opportunity to appreciate the diversity and vast beauty of Canada, or give back to communities that help so many. Killing Katimavik... what is next?

  • Karen - 13 years ago

    Katimavik was the best experience for a youth who was wondering what to do in life... I enjoyed being a part of something that gave back to the community, and at the same time learning about other aspects of our Canadian culture. This was about what was best for the group and all worked for that goal. Having dealt with the Y Generation, the sense of entitlement of many young adults and youth today is disturbing --- they should experience things like Katimavik to understand the world does not revolve around them!!

    Losing Katimavik is a societal mistake, which we will pay for, in attitudes of the new generation.

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