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What Did You Think Of The Electric Light Brunch?

Total Votes: 257

  • Bill - 12 years ago

    Please tell me this is a joke. I was a huge ELO fan is the 70's, but when I look back at their music all I can say is what a bunch of over produced fluff.

  • Tony - 12 years ago

    Nice. Wish you could play more! Especially classic 70's bands!

  • Jenny - 12 years ago

    Love the logo.
    Great idea for an April Fool's Day joke, I hope that we don't have to endure it weekly. Johnny you have me glued to the radio every Sunday, today's first hour was tough, though you sounded like you were having a great time. I always enjoy hearing your show, even today had some pluses.

  • Wsg - 12 years ago

    Only a hour? So much potential here!

    Ideas for future shows:
    Xanadu - whole album from beginning to end ( maybe even with interviews!)
    A where are they now...
    A show tracing their influence on modern bands...

    I am so excited I can't wait for next week...

  • ludwig van - 12 years ago

    Great show! How's 'bout "Dave Clark Five Dinner"

  • Kate - 12 years ago

    Hoping this is not an April Fool's joke - you usually pull very good ones! Love this show, keep it going!

  • rockmcrock - 12 years ago

    this would be a cool idea if they changed the artist every week

  • ks - 12 years ago

    If this is a joke, I'm never listening to your station again. Why pick my favorite band to do this? If it's a legitimate program, I'm very happy.

  • cw - 12 years ago

    Is this an April Fool joke? I'm a long-time listener, now living in WI, but still listening via laptop. Very familiar with your April Fool's Day antics.

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