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After seeing this video, do you believe that George Zimmerman was attacked by Trayvon Martin?

Total Votes: 1,583

  • Chris C - 12 years ago

    I would attack someone too if they started following me and they clearly weren't a police officer or security guard. How can you blame Trayvon. The only thing he didn't do right was to knock Zimmerman out. If he had, he would have had the opportunity to flee without being shot by that racist prick

  • Just Pointingitout - 12 years ago

    Why does it look like the person in the video has less hair than Zimmerman has in his mugshot? This person looks buzzed/almost bald yet Zimmerman has a full head of hair in his mugshot. Care to explain anyone?

  • will johnson - 12 years ago

    I believe that this case should get looked into but I know that this case has been exploited and blown out of proportion. Trayvon was no saint by far and that fact that they say the media is trying to destroy his reputation is a joke. The kid was expelled for drug possesion and had photos online of him holding a gun, when he supposedly owned no fire arms. They also continue to post photos of him at much younger ages to gain sympathy from all sides of uninformed observers. Now as to if Zimerman had a "stand your ground" right to defend himself. That seems like the courts should hear real evidence first, do their investigation and rule before it turns into a media circus but that would be too much to ask. Why are we hearing the 911 call and a voice annalist ruling out Zimmerman before a jury? This case has made it hard to see where the good guy is and where the law lines are and show just how fast we are to cry hate crime before the professionals have a chance to unveil the truth. I would love for something to turn up to show us what really happened but right now it's for the most part a dead man vs. a zimmerman's word........

    Love ya,
    Vannillia Gorillia

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