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What do you think the Maryland woman should do with her winnings?

Total Votes: 1,695

  • Mike - 12 years ago

    I guess this is all moot as the supposed woman is not the true winner.

  • Bri - 12 years ago

    I'm in agreement with all the people thoughts here, In which she obligated to share the winings since it was a Office pool, even if she brought the ticket independent from the office tickets & made copies of the lottery numbers for all people in the pool for record sake... unless her ticket date is different from the others, I would not believe her.

    Also why would need to buy additional tickets if you partake in a Office Pool to purchase Lottery.... that's the whole point!

  • Colleen - 12 years ago

    She should have to prove that she bought that ticket seperetly. If she didn't make copies of the tickets that she got for the pool then she is out of luck. This is why greedy people shouldn't win the mega millions. It is money she didn't earn if she splits it with the 15 coworkers she will still get 7 million. Isn't that enough th live on since you didn't have to work for the money!!!!!! I went in with my family and bought tickets but one of my brothers didn't chip in. If we would have one I would have given him a few million. Greed!!!!!!!!

  • Nancy - 12 years ago

    I say, Pay It Forward! An unexpected windfall like that could be payed forward to her co-workers, and the woman who won will still have more money than she'll ever need!

  • Bzr - 12 years ago

    I would have to agree w/ most everyone blogging. She needs to be honest and fess up if the winning ticket was the pool sharing in the end. If not then shame on her for not making a copy of numbers for verfication.

  • Denise - 12 years ago

    Even IF she did buy it for herself, I think she should share. Life is too short to squabble over something like that. She would be blessing people beyond what this earthly life and earthly riches can buy. That's a lot of money and it's not going to buy her true happiness, but if she shares, she'll be sharing a lot more than money.

    There's not going to be anyway to prove this and if she doesn't share, she is truly going to lose out by losing the trust and friendship of her (formal, I'm guessing) co-workers.

  • heidi - 12 years ago

    Unfortunately now she has to share. She SHOULD have went to them and said in the begining hey, I bought my OWN ticket. OF COURSE those people think she's lying and i'm sure she probably is. Now she's gonna have to prove it. Either way, if it was her own, she went about it wrong. And of course the Co workers are like hey, we trusted you, and we want our share. Both sides are losing out here.

  • sandy - 12 years ago

    If she truely bought it seperate, it should be hers. If not, God knows the truth and she ll have to pay eventually.

  • raven - 12 years ago

    i think this woman needs to prove that she bought the ticket separate. this kind of thing isn't surprising - if a *group* wins, the person responsible for purchasing the ticket(s) would usually say something like this.

    i think it's pretty crappy that this woman is being so selfish - she has what ... 75 million and she can't share that?

    greed is an ugly thing.

  • Moon - 12 years ago

    It truly depends on if she did in fact buy a separate ticket on whether she should share or not! Also it was up to her coworkers to write down the numbers of the ticket from the beginning.... Common sense people!

  • Farah - 12 years ago

    Why weren't copies of the employee tickets made?!? The coworkers are the stupid ones!! I also had an office pool, and tickets for myself. I made copies of the office pool tickets and handed them out to everyone. So if one of my personal tickets won, I would be forced to split them because them dummies thought it was fair? umm no.

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