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Should dyed baby chickens be sold as Easter gifts?

Total Votes: 2,962

  • Morely Conduct - 13 years ago

    First, brides wear viels, not masks. Secondly, ban wearing any headgear/wrap (turbin) in parliament, as in legions etc.. Thirdly, outlaw/deport any who even think sharia law or any fanatical islamic crap. (Treaudou went a way overboard on mult-culturalism!!!) You wouldn't try to bend the rules in "their" countries. I want my Canada back. Come and join us, not separate us.

    And, no chickens for easter

  • Joy Caravello - 13 years ago

    This is a senseless act that results in 99% of these chicks dying before the end of April, every year.
    Tell me, what's wrong with people that they are so insensive to other animals lives and well-being. For what? The sake of a "cute" temporary toy. It's disgraceful!

  • Christine - 13 years ago

    I disagree with dyeing baby chicks holiday or not!!! What's gonna happen to that chick once Easter is over or when it grows past the cute fuzzy stage??? Leave them on the farms where they belong!!! As cute as they may look it is VERY VERY wrong!!!!!

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