How do you conserve gas when prices go up?


  • JP - 13 years ago

    Keep an eye on your fuel tank, at these prices thieves can be creative. It is not uncommon to find your fuel guage reading empty the day after you filled up. You can't steal the fuel out of an electric car so I'm praying the technology will be improved soon so I can retire my modest gas model.
    I have already moved away from heating oil in my home with a high efficiency wood stove. I'm at a point in my life when I don't care anymore and certainly don't line up for gas on the day before prices are about to go up. You could easily waste more gas than you could possibly save needless to say the stress of waiting in line. Drive less and drive small. The world is about to get a whole lot bigger.

  • Mr. C - 13 years ago

    I go over the border and buy my gas from American retailers, where I am still gouged, but nowhere near as aggressively. And with the 40+ cents per litre I save, I take my wife and daughter out for dinner! (And still come out ahead...)

  • D.Goodine - 13 years ago

    There is a solution, if three or four million motorists stop buying gas for a month from Petro Canada and Imperial Oil (Esso) for a month and that then will force them to lower their gas prices and perhaps start a gas war price which means lower prices shortly. So lets give it a try.

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