Do you support further investigation in the Spygate scandal?


  • Rich D - 16 years ago

    Since the Patriots ceased videotaping they went 18-1 so what does that tell you? Sen. Specter should focus on that point too.

  • alice - 16 years ago

    Haven't these boobs in Wash. got anything else to do besides this. People are starving here in the US, our men and women are at war defending our freedoms, and the gas and oil prices are thru the roof. How do these people get elected anyway.
    Use your given rights next time and VOTE.

  • Peggy - 16 years ago

    As a follow-up to Arlen Specter's call for an independent investigation of the NFL I think the Patriot Ledger should do some research on Specter's involvement with Comcast and their lawsuit against the NFL.

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