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What do you think of the Nike Free 'run for you' ad?

Total Votes: 733

  • Lisa Ashton - 12 years ago

    this commercial is absolutely kept my attention and I am ready to go out and buy those hot pink nikes! she is sooo cuteee and she really can relay whatever message she wants to! she would be a great actress...

  • vicarious rising - 12 years ago

    Why do some people have to see conspiracy to put down people in the silliest things? It's like they want to deny relationships happen because we need to rely on other people. I thought this ad was funny and did a great job showcasing the shoes and a woman who is self-reliant and strong. I didn't see her man as representative of men as a whole, just of that man in particular. Heck, I loved the elderly couple hiking in the ad. I didn't think they were meant to stand in for all active older people.

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