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Are You Surprised By The Racial Divide Over Trayvon's Case?

Total Votes: 4,063

  • Fred - 11 years ago

    Just the choices in this poll - "racism as usual", "guilty", or "not sure" indicate a bias. When is it ok to be biased one way, but not another. Zimmerman is a putz - no question. But one person escalated a question (admittedly insulting!) to violence, albeit fisticuffs. The lack of acknowledgement of this violence just shows how accepting we are of it. The same stupid machismo that Trayvon felt validated his actions to strike a repellent person is the same stupid machismo that Floridians felt when they passed the, "Stand your ground" law. In Europe, people have a "duty to retreat". That concept is more than foreign to Americans: it is anathema. So let's do 2 things: 1). Acknowledge the racism on both sides so we can move to a color-blind future and; 2). Excise the acceptance of violence - the celebration of violence! - in our culture.

  • FreeZimmerman - 11 years ago

    Oops, forgot you people playing the race thing. I'm WHITE !!!

  • FreeZimmerman - 11 years ago

    He should have shot him twice.... That's what I'd do.

  • Tom - 11 years ago

    If you believe Zimmerman is guilty and Oj is innocent than you are the racist. I am quite tired of hearing people ignore facts in cases and make statements. If Zimmerman through any punches they would have found at least a red mark in the autopsy. They found only abrasions on his knuckles.

  • Andrea Ynigo - 11 years ago

    It has been clear to me from day one of this whole issue that, George Zimmerman is guilty of murder. He did not have and was told not to follow Trayvon yet he did follow him and ultimately killed him. I believe that Trayvon was the one that was standing his ground and defending himself from a wanna-be cop child killer with a Napoleon complex.

  • Dave - 11 years ago

    It's strange how everybody seems to ignore the overwhelming evidence that George acted in self-defense. If anyone has been paying attention to the trial you would see it yourself.

  • jeremy - 12 years ago

    As a white man, I think he's guilty and deserve the death penalty or life in prison.

  • A.D. - 12 years ago

    As a black man almost everyday is a sad day in this WORLD. The discomfort, the sadness, and the insecurities. White people will NEVER understand the pain of living in this world. Do you know what this poll shows? The truth. This is how people actually feel. Do you think this is for no reason at all? Who wants to feel oppressed? Who wants to feel singled out all the time? The truth is white america lives in a bubble and wants to believe whatever they want to believe. Not everyone is openly racist or even aggressively racist. BUT EVERYONE is racist whether to their own race or another. I shouldn't have to change my appearence to appease the illusion safety of another individual. Yet I get looked at funny by other races. As a white man you will never be seen as a threat in the street. I would never suspect that of you. Trayvon was followed by a man because he suspected he was a threat. Yet this altercation would have never happened had George continued going his way. An officer has the right to ask questions, and regardless of whether they cuff is not against the law to walk away. If I was followed by a man whom is not an officer I would not comply and say "Oh yes you have all right in the world to follow and possibly try to stall me. You have all right to question my whereabouts and why I am here. I have to answer because you oh gracious stranger has asked me.....oh and yes of course. I am suspicious at birth because I have more melanin than you." People who are oblivious and ignorant to the state of America annoy me. This poll isn't sad, it is a mirror to what I already know. It is a shock to your blind eyes.

  • Justin Demoude - 12 years ago

    As a white man, I see no reason for anything but shame in the results of this poll today. It is truly a very sad day in America. This is as subtle a form of racism as one can find, so we still have a long way to go. Yet I still keep the faith...that justice will be done.

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