Do you agree that Finance Minister,Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala is the most qualified to be President of the World Bank?


  • dipo bello - 12 years ago

    yes okonjo iweala may be the most qualified on paper but that those not guarantee her a very sensitive and practical job as the president of the world bank.
    in a time and age were people are more concerned with accomplishment, i think she falls short in comparison with Dr jim yong kim who has a strong record of developing programmes to fight diseases like HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis in poor countries. If he did so much to bring health care to the poor, why not him? Up till now, I have yet to see any of the pro-Okonjo-Iweala media say concrete things she has done for the poor, either in Nigeria or elsewhere.

  • dipo bello - 12 years ago

    yes okonjo iweala may be the most qualified on paper but that those not guarantee a very sensitive and practical job as the president of the world bank.
    in a n time and age were people are more concerned with accomplishment, i think she falls short in comparison with Dr jim yong kim who has a strong record of developing programmes to fight diseases like HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis in poor countries. If he did so much to bring health care to the poor, why not him? Up till now, I have yet to see any of the pro-Okonjo-Iweala media say concrete things she has done for the poor, either in Nigeria or elsewhere.

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