Do you think Mitt Romney can defeat President Obama?


  • VoteOutObuma - 12 years ago

    Romney is a good man! We have seen the traitorous acts of Obama already, don't give him another 4 years to screw us over more! Obama will destroy America, that is his plan! He is a traitor!

  • Lee Williams - 12 years ago

    Obama is basically a Communist in a Socialist's clothes.

    Yes, we must fire him and his cadre of creepy radicals.

    Then RICO statute the entire Democommie Party. Watch them all go to jail.

    The Democommie list of criminal activity is endless.

  • Lee Williams - 12 years ago

    Obama is basically a Communist in a Socialist's clothes.

    Yes, we must fire him and his cadre of creepy radicals.

    Then RICO statute the entire Democommie Party. Watch them all go to jail.

    The Democommie list of criminal activity is endless.

  • mary - 12 years ago

    There is no way that Romney can beat Obama

  • Ellie - 12 years ago

    Elizabeth - Get a clue...

  • Renee - 12 years ago

    Romney and Obama don't have the same ideas. Do your research. They differ on many important points.

  • Roxanne Capansky - 12 years ago

    It really doesn't matter because soros is behind both of them--wish they would both leave the country

  • Elizabeth Jacobs - 12 years ago

    Voting for Romney is like voting for Obama. They have the same ideas and same thoughts about our country. The only difference is Obama is already in office. I seriously have doubts that there will be an election as I think Obama is going to make sure he is not replaced, but if there is one, most people are looking for a person that is different from what they have. Otherwise there is no reason to vote when you are getting the same thing regardless of who you put in.

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