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Do you agree with the filing of second degree murder charges against George Zimmerman?

Total Votes: 1,066

  • Bob - 12 years ago

    White shoots white: Blurb in the paper, maybe a small segment on local news.
    Black shoots white: Blurb in the paper, maybe a small segment on local news.
    Black shoots black: Probably won't even hear about it.
    White shoots black: Holy crap, it's the end of the the friggin' world. National attention. Marches in the street. Sharpton spouting off his typical reverse-racism garbage. Amens and hallelujahs during press conferences.

    Just wait until Zimmerman gets a lighter sentence because of lack of evidence. There's going to be riots in the streets. This poor guy is screwed either way. He's either going to prison or he's going to have to look over his shoulder the rest of his life.

  • Andie Es - 12 years ago

    Another case of left-wing media bias. The whole Martin issue is driven by a liberal, race baiting, anti-gun media. That would include Fox 31. They only report selected facts that drive their agenda, and if the facts don't fit the narrative they either ignore them, or blatantly distort them. Showing 5 year old pictures of Martin as a pre-teen, instead of a 6 foot tall, 17 year old thug is an example of distortion. So is not discussing his multiple suspensions from school, include being on suspension when he was shot. Another example is giving race baiters like Sharpton, and Sheila Jackson Lee a platform. Their opinion has nothing to do with this, and their intent is to stir racial tension and portray gun ownership in a bad light. And why has no one interviewed this mystery girlfriend Martin was supposedly on the phone with claiming to be so scared? I believe the answer to that is the whole talking to the girlfriend, on the way home from buying candy is a lie. Martin was walking in the shadows, on the grass not on the sidewalk, in a gated community where he did not live and when approached by a resident did not come over and explain his actions, but instead chose to continue to act suspicious. Probably in an attempt to lure Zimmerman to a more secluded area where he could teach him a lesson and beat the crap out of him. All the liberal media talks about Zimmerman "looking for trouble", when it seems Martin was the one looking for trouble. Anyone in their right mind would label Martins actions that evening as suspicious if he was behaving that way near your home. And when Martin had an opportunity to flee the scene, he chose not to. Just like he chose not to explain his actions to Zimmerman, who had every right to be there, doing what he was doing. In the end I'm sure we will find out that Martin deserved what he got because he thought it would be cool to act like a thug and start a street brawl. An then the blacks will all chimp out and burn down portions of the ghetto, and loot a bunch of stores in response. It might be good to check your insurance policy and stock up on ammo before the verdict is announced if you live near public housing or the hood.

  • Kelly James - 12 years ago

    I feel the whole thing is a horrible tragedy. I think what happened is Trayvon was that he was feeling threatened with someone following him & then struck out and beat up Zimmerman. I also think that Zimmerman felt that Trayvon was a threat, because he had his hood up, maybe his walk, that no matter your color, may be perceived as up to something, and acted in self defense.
    I do not feel this is a hate crime, and the colored people are suppressing themselves by jumping on the band wagon every time something like this happens. This horrible situation comes up with all races everyday. I am saddened because 2 peoples lives, and their families have been destroyed. My heart goes out to all of you. May color, judgments and fear of one another come to an end someday soon.

  • Rob - 12 years ago

    Listen, regardless of how you feel about the media and Sharpton, the only right thing to do that night was to arrest Zimmerman, charge him, let him make bail, and then let all of the evidence come out at trial. This was not about race. This was about a guy trying to protect his and his neighbors homes from being burglarized, again, and an unidentifiable person was roaming through the neighborhood. It's not about gun control, or race, or hatred. Let the trial system work and then protest and riot and put a bounty on someones head if need be.

  • Suzie - 12 years ago

    The media needed a story and fueled all of this, shame on you! And all the people protesting something they don't even have the facts of. To many followers out there without a brain in there head, did they witness what happened. And you know the parents are going to sue someone to bank in on this whole thing. Why no recent pictures do they show him as a thug? Where is this man going to get a fair trial?

  • Tony - 12 years ago

    What a wonderful job the media has done at being judge and jury in the George Zimmerman case. It's pathetic that all media outlets (including Fox 31) are getting away with showing nothing but an old mugshot of Zimmerman and a couple of pictures of Martin when he was 13 years old.
    What, no current pictures of George Zimmerman much thinner, balding and in a suit and tie? Or, recent pictures of Martin with tattoos, no shirt, flashing gang signs taken from his facebook page? I've come to expect one sided coverage from the mainstream media but they should win F'n awards for the bias contained in this story!

  • Law abiding citizen - 12 years ago

    Mr. Sharpton... So... what about the two black CSU football players who beat three school freshman. When will you arrive in Colorado to seek justice? What about the 32 Badit, hoodie and all!!!!! When will you bring justice to him!??? How many people did he strike and shoot at and pistol whip and threaten to kill ... for the money in THEIR register???
    This boy is not an angel. Get on the right band wagon! The Moral one. Why not do something worth while instead --- like Dancing with the stars. That might more suit your need for attention. Maybe if the boy had not been suspended from school... he would have been studying-instead of roaming the streets threatening someone who is participating in crime watch in his neighborhood?

  • Almenjoy - 12 years ago

    Zimmerman should be arrested and should have been arrested earlier. If you are intimidated b a person why follow them? If a person looks suspicious, why follow them? Zimmerman saw a black man with a hoody and racially profiled him. I hope he goes to prison and justice is served. Unless you have experienced prejudice yu can not comment on racism. @ Get Real and Jim m racism does exist, but from your comments I already know you know this.

  • Get Real - 12 years ago

    Im so tired of everyone complaining about crap like this and making it racial and left wing liberal media needing a story so it turn into a witch hunt. Get real people. If Trayvon punched him in the face and was slamming his head on the sidewalk according to FL law Zimmerman can defend himself.. should be end of story, but apparently a call from Obama means charges need to be filed.

  • jim m. - 12 years ago

    I'm not sure why the media and all it's darlings feel the need to fuel the fire instead of reporting just the known facts. I'm currently working as a detective in person crimes. It bothers me to see all media only reporting some facts and not the whole story. There was a reason that no charges were filed back on the day this happened. We don't know what that reason was. Stop making this more then what it is. I would also not like to see Rev. Sharpton spreading his hatred. This country needs more now then ever to come together and not be torn apart by what peoples personal biases are.

  • Jeff Penney - 12 years ago

    6 Weeks! Really 6 Weeks to arrest someone. The only reason he got arrested is because of all the outpour of him being black. Its a sad day when you get arrested for defending yourself. All the family shows are picture of him when he was 10-13 not any recent pictures of him. You never see any of this kind attention when its an black on white incident. If this was a black on black incident you would have never heard about this story! Its a sad day when someone gets arrested just because people are upset! The law is the law he will not get convicted for defending himself. No one even knows the whole story but everyone is ready to put someone away for life....

  • G. Beacon - 12 years ago

    This was never a racial issue to begin with. It was the media that made this a racial issue in the first place; by editing the phone call that Zimmerman made. It was self defense- that's it! Why does the media show Martin's 8 year old picture vs his current picture?

  • LaQueta McCauley - 12 years ago

    I hope Trayzon did break his nose, he was being followed by a grown man WITH A GUN! Maybe if he ran him over with Zimmermans truck (which he got in and FOLLOWED Trayvon even after 911 dispatcher said NOT TOO) a young man could still be alive. Though, i will not resemble Zimmerman and his racist, hateful thinking and say..Good for him! by the way..there are alot of black guys in JAIL..revenge is best served....hahaha!

  • Deborah - 12 years ago

    The witness didn't see the whole tragedy unfold. I am the parent of 3 children. I have always taught them to never start a fight. BUT!!! And this is a big BUT! If my child were being followed by a stranger & they had attempted to get away, to hide & the person was still following them, I have not only told them, but encouraged them, to stand and fight. Fight for their life! What would you have had your child do in the same circumstances? He was yelling, he was trying to escape. Should he have just stood there and taken what came? Or would you, as a parent, encourage your child to do all they could to get out of the situation? I have no idea what happened there as I know you don't either because we were not there. We can only base our very limited judgement on what has come to light. As we have seen, what is reported is not necessarily what happened. The charges are valid as the prosecutor has determined there are more questions than answers in this case. A trial does not mean the charged is guilty. That is for a jury to decide based on ACTUAL facts presented as trial. How bout we wait & see rather than assume anything???? Novel idea I know.

  • Beverly Merkel - 12 years ago

    I don't know how he can be charged when an eye witness saw Trayvon Martin on top of him beating the crap out 0f him. Was he supposed to let him beat him to death? Unbelievable.

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