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Should we use gender-neutral pronouns instead of “he” and “she”?

Total Votes: 3,747

  • You missed the issue - 12 years ago

    This question is inappropriate, since the new Swedish word is to be used to refer to nouns that have a masculin or femine gender, not to people or animals. There is no equivalent to this in english because our nouns are all neutral (unless living beings with either a penis or a vagina).
    if the word 'ball' is masculine in a language, then when asking for someone to pass the ball to you the sentence would be "pass him to me", whereas in english the sentence is "pass it to me".

  • Seriously - 12 years ago

    The social marxists are going to engineer their chidlren into such a pacified state that future fundamentalist invaders will just walk in and takeover without a fight. In fact I think that situation is well advanced in europe though islamic immigration.

  • R. Alan Squire - 12 years ago

    Perhaps the pronoun used should be based on the gender of the speaker. E.g., a man would say, "If anyone calls, tell him I'm working late"... whereas a woman would say, "If anyone calls, tell her I'm working late."

    We could use invented pronouns, like those found in Wikipedia, but seriously, would anyone use them??


  • Paul - 12 years ago

    We should have all three. There are times when gender is relevant and helps to communicate useful information, so "he" and "she" should be retained. But an additional pronoun would be helpful in many situations where gender is not relevant. (We could use the pronoun "one" more often but it has mostly fallen out of use in Canada, and it doesn't work in some places anyway.)

  • Linda Pearson - 12 years ago

    I would be delighted to hear "in all of us command", rather than "in all thy sons command". Will it happen in my lifetime? Likely not. But for all the time remaining to me when I do NOT hear it, I will refrain from singing it, either with my mouth or in my heart.

  • James - 12 years ago

    Shouldn't we be embracing each others gender and not pretending that gender doesn't exist?

  • Phil - 12 years ago

    Human beings are not gender neutral, please keep addressing us as such!

  • Victoria - 12 years ago

    I don't like that you put "INSTEAD" of. Because then you're going from excluding a group of people, to excluding a group of people. I think the poll should have been "Should we officially start using gender neutral pronouns?". By wording the question the way you have, you've guarenteed silliness in the comments, and your outcome of the answer "no".

  • Shannon - 12 years ago

    I don't think we need to use gender-neutral pronouns, but I would certainly like it if the national anthem included me. So maybe that part could be changed.

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