Should free HPV vaccines be available to both sexes?


  • T C - 13 years ago

    People will just jump on this. Lets vaccinate for EVERYTHING. I just read a pharmaceutical business article that boasts that the money is in vaccines they actually claimed there are 300 infectious diseases that people are not immune to that could offer more profits...will people take hundreds of vaccines to prevent all these things.Are we going to use our public funds to do this? Better to prevent with proper nutrition ie minimal factory produced animals, whole foods, no processed, less sugar etc., and sex education. Take responsibility for yourself and the health of your family. Research. and do not accredit people who question vaccines idiots who believe quacks on the internet. There are many very credible sources, Phd educated medical doctors, immunologists, neurologists, etc. have spoken out in the form of written books on the subject.

  • Mike - 13 years ago

    Most vaccines are fake. Come on, maybe we should have vaccines for doctors who are abusing pain medication or drinking too much.

  • Ben - 13 years ago

    Watch out SK, your ignorance is showing...

  • Stephen Kellerman - 13 years ago

    Quite right.. Every little boy should have an HPV vaccine, as part of his sexual education deprogramming regime. Every little boy should protect himself against HPV.. more commonly known as the viral origination for CERVICAL CANCER.. before he learns sexual anatomy and makes the unfortunately realization that he is MALE. People will sign ANYTHING if they're asked.

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