Please vote for your Favorite April Book of the Month in Fiction:


  • Peggy Blann Phifer - 12 years ago

    I agree with everything Lucy just wrote. Kathi Macias does not shy away from the hard issues. Nor does she sugar-coat them. "Deliver Me from Evil" exposes the truth about an issue that's been ignored and swept under the rug for far too long. As with all her books, Kathi's passion for her subject is obvious and is quickly imbued into the hearts and minds of her readers.

  • Lucy Neeley Adams - 12 years ago

    When Kathi Macias writes - she really writes ! Her intensity about a subject spreads to the reader. Her concern about a subject is contagious. She is helping the horror of human trafficing to be known so it can be stopped. Females are being exploited and most of it is undercover. Kathi, I thank you for your boldness and ability to get these words of discovery and healing to your faithful readers.

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