Do you think Eddie Francis' travel expenses of $53,000 are justified?


  • Sam Scheffler - 12 years ago

    Waa Waa Ed. Truth hurts.

    -I'm glad you aren't on my side.

    What side is that? The fantasy bootlick world where Francis is a god? Please do explain.

    Why don't you give us a list of the companies that Eddie has brought to Windsor and the number of jobs they created?

    So far I have seen 9 years of nothing. A $100 million dollar pool, shell game at Enwin, NO new AG and with Al's spending exposed we need one more than ever for Eddie, Enwin and the computer mess of several million, infrastructure that is falling apart, flooded basements


  • Ed - 12 years ago

    Such immaturity from Scheffler!

    I'm glad you aren't on my side.

  • Sam Scheffler - 12 years ago


    Blow me asswipe. I see you were unable to disprove anything I said.

    9 years and zero jobs. Thanks for providing a list to counter that you idiot!

    Go bootlick somewhere else!

  • Ed - 12 years ago

    I have to laugh at those who hide behind fake names (Sam) and then issue libelous statements.

    He'd get sued if he used his real name.


  • Sam Scheffler - 12 years ago

    I personally believe that Eddie Francis has been wasting taxpayer money for all these trips and has nothing to show for it. NINE years as mayor and FOUR on city council we have not seen anything Eddie has done to bring in jobs or diversify the economy. All during his speech he gave no viable details. Where are these jobs that he wasting taxpayer dollars on? Even the paid puppet of CVD stated his "speech lacks details". The Eddie Francis "plan" is a failure. All during the election he waved these papers in the air like an angry gnome about "I have a plan". WELL WHERE IS IT? All we hear is "I can't tell you yet, too early to tell". So all the so called deals in the works from 2010 are STILL "too early to tell"? He chased away the GM transmission plant to St.Catherine's. How many jobs were LOST because of his arrogance?

    How long does it take to diversify an economy? 100 years? We are heading on 10 years of this criminal and still NOTHING. Eddie Francis is pulling everyone's chain and stalling because he has NO PLAN. He is too busy lining his pockets with taxpayer dollars he gets from the shell game called "Enwin". 1/3 of his salary comes from Enwin? REALLY NOW! Time for an audit!

    Let us all hope that someone, a business man comes forward and decides to run for mayor. It will take the next mayor years to clean up the mess that Francis has made.

    Quote:"what is the payoff for these expenses?

    So far a bill for $53,000 dollars that has brought NO jobs to this city. Eddies account should be frozen and he should ONLY get money if he provides a detail plan on how his next trip WILL bring in jobs. No details, no money.

  • Jim Grieve - 12 years ago

    I think that for all the tough times this city has seen due to the economy, I believe Eddie Francis is doing a great job for the citizens of Windsor, and Essex County. He has facilitated the move of quite a few new companies into the area, which provide jobs perhaps to those who lost their livelihood when the auto industry tanked...and the fact that he has to spend money to get to those contacts is "just the cost of doing business". I support, and continue to support his aggressive strategies to stimulate the local economy, as well as a renewed sense of pride to the city's residents. So, if you want to sit in your armchair and complain about how much is being spent, ask yourself: "what is the payoff for these expenses?" Sure a heck of a lot more than 53,000 dollars.....

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