Is the rise in tuition at the University of Windsor justified?

1 Comment

  • Frank Torti - 12 years ago

    Re: U of W tuition increase:

    Did I hear your reporter say that increases have amounted to 300% since the 90's?
    and the U of W president say that the increases were needed for salaries, operation costs, etc.
    Why the increase is ridiculous? Professors are way too overpaid. The President definitely is.
    Who is it that is on leave and receiving more than a year's salary yet, not coming back?
    Another thing that you the media should expose/do a story on is the fact that sons and daughters of employees of the U don't pay any tuition. How fair is that? Recovering some monies from this perk would definitely go a long way to helping to keep tuitions down!!
    Is this perk not a double standard? I hope you take the challenge to do this story. Would the public be supportive of this and how would the board of governors/President rationalize it!

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