Do you rent physical copies of movies from stores?


  • guy - 12 years ago

    I live 15 mins from the city center, broadband internet ends just 5 minutes away from town. the world ia going to hell in a handbasket. 3 rogers and 3 blockbusters shut down within a year. neither shaw nor telus wants to expand broadband here, yet their profits are skyrocketing. bullocks I say.

  • A - 12 years ago

    I rent my movies because to download them online you still use your quota of downloads...
    So it sucks !!

  • Sue - 12 years ago

    It is necessary for members of my household to rent videos from stores because no high speed service works on our rural property even though it is located less than 30 min. from London Ontario.

  • Mark - 13 years ago

    While I do watch some movies through Netflix, Glebe Video International is a fantastic local independent video rental store I frequent for several reasons including the amazingly friendly and knowledgeable people, and the broad range of movies (Hollywood, international, repertory, documentary, etc...) which can't be found elsewhere.

  • MalcolmO - 13 years ago

    Although I haven't rented a video in several years, I haven't watched one by any other means either! A _new_ one, at least; I _have_ watched things in my collection and a few in others' collections. BUT my 14-DVD Grateful Dead collection just arrived!

  • Jared Pollack - 13 years ago

    This should come as no surprise, there is little to no use for a video store any more, large media companies are always slow to respond to change especially when it comes to business models. The fact that they kept them open as long as they did as long as they is a joke.

    Cable TV is next, on demand and web content is the future. Do yourself a favour and get yourselves a good internet connection, preferably not from bell or Rogers, you would be doing yourself and this country a service.

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