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How do you feel about the provincial gas tax?

Total Votes: 910

  • Oli Hajzler - 12 years ago

    The people of this province and this country forget that the bulk of fuel price is tax already. With the amout of money collected by the different levels of govenment from fuel sales, which was formely called "Road Tax", we should have all the roads gold plated by now! However, the money colleted goes to a general revenue, spent on who knows what, given to foreign countries etc. and there is never enough money for roads according to our politians.
    People need to speakup and demand that all taxes colleced from road transportation, fuels should be spend on roads and bridges. At least a normally thinking person would have to agree...

  • George - 12 years ago

    I feel people are over reacting! this is only 2.5 cents per L, for me this works out to about $1.12 per fill and if I fill up once a week ~$62 per year, nothing to re-write my budget over. I understand not everyone drives a small car, but driving an SUV is a choice that costs a lot more regardless of increased taxes on gas. My only concern is, will this extra money be put to good use?

  • Terry Harnden - 12 years ago

    If it improves the roads and decreases traffic it could easily save me money lowering my maintenance and insurance costs as well as saving me lots of time, wear and tear and gas getting from point a to point b. In the past after a gas price hike I have found my travel time in the city cut in half.

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