Should changes be made to Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” Law?

1 Comment

  • Cheryl - 12 years ago

    There is NOTHING wrong with SYG or any law in protecting a Citizen's right to self defense. I would venture that 98% of anyone either voting in this pole or commenting on SYG, have never read the law and/or are being infleuenced simply by the press and this one case, which in itself is grounds for the law to exist. Ask yourself this question, put yourself in this position. You have been attacked, punched in the face, breaking your nose and cutting your lip, knocked to the ground and then once on the ground, the attacker is pounding your head on concrete. Do you simply accept the attack, making mental notes, as "this is only a fist fight and accept being beaten" OR do you try to determine at what point you should elevate your defense, if you even can, should it be the 5th time your head hits the concrete, or maybe I should wait till the 10th time my head hits the concrete, ya never know, people might complain my defending myself ???? NOOOOO, of course you don't wait !! People DIE or are vegetables everyday because they either did not or could not fight back. IF you have the means, you fight back with whatever those means are, as you are correctly in fear of your life or severe bodily harm !!! You cannot read the other person's mind. They may be very intently on a mission to k-ll you !!! This shooting was JUSTIFIED, the prosecutor in the case was motivated by public, political and irrespopnsible behavior. I trust that the Judge will throw this out or a jury will find not guilty of Mr. Zimmerman, as is indicated BY THE EVIDENCE .

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