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Will negotiations between student groups and the education minister resolve the student strike?

Total Votes: 445

  • Anthony - 12 years ago

    The education minister was always stubborn. What was her education?

  • Patricia - 12 years ago

    Students have been protesting for 10 weeks now. I doubt that the resolution will come out in their favor. They never have, according to the most part. But the reality is, that students have been waisting their time and energy. The have lost this sessions tuition and will not get it refunded. They have caused chaos for others while commuting, which, has not promoted their cause in a positive way. I just say, get back to the books, education is vital in the world we live in. What are we teaching to our younger generations? that they can get away with anything by throwing a fit? That isnt fair for the most part.
    Most importantly, DO NOT put your ignorance in front of others. Those that actually want to accomplish and finish their sessions, have the right too. Those that want to go to work and provide for their families, have the right too. Just like your freedom of speech is granted, only in a positive, non violent manner.
    Those that are blocking metros and entrances to buildings, throwing rocks and causing chaos in and around Montreal, must stop. And just to teach you a lesson, the government SHOULD NOT give in to your requests. Afterall, we are the cheapest province in the country. And having studied all accross Canada, I can assure you that, the way of the economy will always win. Tuitions cant stay frozen forever. In any case, are most of these students going to go forth with their education anyway, considering the dropout rates?
    Think wisely, friends. And choose to end this before more sanctions are imposed on you.

  • Nicholas Perusse - 12 years ago

    not as long as the Ministre keeps the tuition hikes off the table for discussion.

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