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Have you upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS yet? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 15
1 Comment

  • J. Farrington - 12 years ago

    Initial impression is that Ubuntu 12.04 looks pretty much the same as the previous 11.10; time will tell if the new things turn out to be important. I still prefer the Gnome desktop of earlier versions, and consequently am more attracted to Linux Mint.

    One problem that Ubuntu and the various browser makers seem to avoid mentioning much since 11.10 is the flood of Linux user complaints regarding failures to show streaming flash video from sites like YouTube, plus complaints of their bug reports being ignored. It seems that since Adobe announced they no longer support their flash plug-in for Linux, a lack of coordination between the streaming video sites, Ubuntu and browser makers has resulted in erratic or blank video display windows.

    Some users have said that only their Firefox is affected, leaving Chrome and Opera flash video OK, but after I installed Ubuntu 12.04 none of those 3 browsers would show flash video, nor did installing the Firefox extension Flash-Aid help it: only error messages like "Missing plug-in" appeared. Suggested fixes of deleting and re-installing the flash plug-in had the same bad result.

    I was able to get flash video to run in the current Firefox 12 by replacing the plug-in file with an older version, but when I next installed Chrome 18 it wrote over that older file with the more up-to-date version, resulting in Firefox again not being able to display flash video streams, nor would Chrome or Opera. Evidently, as Chrome auto-updates its flash, it will continually write over the older file I installed for Firefox, so it looks like I can't have Chrome installed at all if I want to have streaming video.

    Comments have appeared on forums saying that the development v-19 of Chrome is successfully running flash video, but no date for distribution has yet been given. I can only hope that other browser makers will soon follow with updates.

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