What safety equipment do you use on your table saw?


  • Ken G - 13 years ago

    The best safety device is the mind. The saw stop would be great if instead of ruining the blade it just shut off and pull the blade back under the table as fast as it stops the blade. But this approach will never happen because lawyers look for the worst case scenario to be able to sue. They (lawyers)have no care about people, products, quality or operation. We (consumers) will never get good quality at low prices until we take responsibility for our actions and stop looking to blame someone else for our own errors. Not every accident is the fault of corporate failure of design safety

  • Mike Ward - 13 years ago

    I believe that a slider saw is safer than SawStop -- when used with clamps in the slider, and roving knife, and blade cover with dust collection over and under the blade.
    Why? The off cut is secured, youre always to the left of the blade, and you don't push the wood (read hand near the blade) you push the slider.

  • Mark Thomson - 13 years ago

    A splitter is essential, preferably with anti-kickback pawls. I also have a fair number of push devices, with the Gripper being the best, albeit not for everything. The basic rule of thumb (pardon the pun) to never let your hands get within 4" of the moving blade should be taken to heart. Of course, the best safety device is between the ears, if used properly.

  • Roger - 13 years ago

    Common sense and a sharp blade are the biggest safety features on a Table saw. Don't be in a rush, use common safety practices, and use the saw and accessories the way they are supposed to be used.

  • Frank Murray - 13 years ago

    I live in Australia and like England and Europe our woodworking equipment comes with most safety features as standard equipment. I belong to the Hornsby Woodworking Men's Shed that has every tool (manual and powered) and I have a fully equipped workshop at home. Nevertheless I have seen countless near misses even with all the safety equipment.
    It is a state of the individual's mindset.
    At the Shed we are very conscious of safety and so far we have avoided any serious accident.
    We have a Saw Stop on our main saw. All our band saws are individually equipped with a sensor pad which switches the saw off if a user steps away without switching the saw off, each has a dedicated dust extractor with auto on and off.

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