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  • Suzy - 12 years ago

    Everybody loves to bash HOAs when stories like this unfold. HOAs have a reason for their existence. This isn't a government agency set up to terrorize the neighborhood, it is an organization set up and run by the homeowners that live in the neighborhood (they are ALL VOLUNTEERS, by the way) and want to maintain their property values. Potential homeowners want to buy a home in a neighborhood where every home is well maintained and kept up to a certain standard. In neighborhoods with an HOA, that standard requires an application submittal to the Architectural Committee (again, made up of ALL HOMEOWNER VOLUNTEERS) for any structural change to the property. READ the story - the homeowners were told repeatedly to stop the construction until an application was submitted and approved and they chose to ignore it (and it most likely would have been approved with the exception of where the swing set was placed in the yard). By the way, the homeowner states that she was never told she had to make an application for the swing set. Homeowners don’t have to be told - it is in the contract that the home buyer signs when they CHOOSE to move into a neighborhood that has an HOA! The other comment that was made is that the HOA is not working with them because they won't pay for attorney's fees and half of the cost to move the swing set to another location in their yard as a part of a ‘deal’ proposed by the homeowners. It is not like the HOA is a for-profit company. The money that would be used to participate in those attorney's fees and the relocation of the swing set comes from the pool of money collected from ALL THE OTHER HOMEOWNERS in the neighborhood! Living in a neighborhood that does have an HOA, I am NOT willing to use my money towards fixing another homeowner's ignorance of the rules that I personally abide by every day. This is an easy fix - the homeowner moves the swing set to another part of the yard. Hooray for the HOA for assuring that everyone adheres to the guidelines established by the homeowners themselves and maintaining their fiduciary responsibility. Hooray to the other neighbors who want their property values to be maximized by living in a neighborhood with an HOA!

  • Priscilla - 12 years ago

    The family knew the there was an HOA with rules when they bought the house. Choosing to ignore the rules is never a good decision. While I detest HOA's for the most part, the family should have gotten something in writing.

  • Vickie - 12 years ago

    This is why I live on 2 acres out in the country, so that strangers can not tell me what I can and cannot do to MY PROPERTY!

  • Roger - 12 years ago

    Get it writing people when dealing with a HOA!! Okay now that you have a complaint from a next door neighbor why can't they all get together and move it to another part of the yard. Good grief! Admit there is fault with both parties.
    Isn't that what freinds and neighbors do? Work together? So simple.

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