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Have you been in a situation where you were stopped and asked for help but ignored the person because you didn't know if they were lying?

Total Votes: 45
1 Comment

  • LaRubia - 12 years ago

    If someone asks me for money to buy food if I have it I give it to them. If they use it for something else they have to deal with their lie, it's not for me to judge. I know first hand how easy it is to lose everything here in Atlanta. Most of us are 1 check or less away from the street. When you lose your job and unemployment benefits are exhausted what happens . Atlanta is devoid of safety nets social services grudgingly provides little to no help. All this to say don't be so quick to label someone a bum or a scammer they probably started off just like you but lost a spouse, job, it could happen to you!!!

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