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Do you support Civil Unions?

Total Votes: 442

  • Amanda - 12 years ago

    Agreed ryan.... Gay people are not asking for "special" treatment. They are people with the same blood running through their veins that god created. Since when does god have a special role in the government? He doesn't. Times have changed whether we like it or not. If it doesn't pass this time it will surely in the very near future. Does "everyone" include homosexual people? The laws need inclusion. If gay people aren't included in these laws why should they pay their taxes or why should they be held to "our" standards and laws if they are not treated as equals? God forgives each and every single one of us for our sins why are gay people different? They're not.

  • Karen - 12 years ago

    We already voted on this and the people of Colorado said NO. I don't know where the idea is coming from that the majority of Coloradans want this.

  • Dennis Axtell - 12 years ago

    This is completely against God's will, and I will never support such idiotic things.... These people are as big of idiots as the rest of the Obama supporters........... One Bad Ass Mistake America. NOBAMA, 2012. Fire all of these politicians who support such issues..........

  • Don - 12 years ago

    BACK IN THE CLOSET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Laws are already in force to protect EVERYONE and your insessant demands for special treatment is an abomination - just like YOU, all against God's will!

  • Ryan - 12 years ago

    It was a point poorly made with lots of opportunity for misunderstanding, so I take back that portion of my comment above. My apologies. I had already about that before seeing your comment.

    I just think the entirety of the public mood isn't reflected in the combination of who is showing up down there, the dollars spent to support the bill, and the resulting news coverage.

  • Andrew - 12 years ago

    This bill is wrong and must be stopped. It violates the important institution of marriage - an institution that was established by God in the beginning of this world. Marriage is a holy union between one man and one woman.

  • Amanda - 12 years ago

    I have two family members who are openly homosexual.... They both have two jobs. What's ur point ryan? I work but today is my day off... I'm heterosexual and I still support this bill. Again, what's ur point ryan?

  • Ryan - 12 years ago

    Stop the Bill!

    Seems like there are a lot people that do nothing but push this while those who are opposed are at work.

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